Chapter Nine

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After the ordeal with Phoebus Quasi and Anya walked silently back to his quarters, neither of them spoke a word as both were lost in thought, Anya couldn't stop thinking about what Phoebus said, she hadn't realise until that moment she was probably to overprotective of Quasi, she just didn't want him to get hurt anymore, she was fighting with weather to confess her true feelings for him or not? Part of her wanted to tell him so badly but the other half of her feared what he would say, if she did confess her feelings would he feel the same way? or would he reject her, that is what she feared most, she also did not want ten years of friendship ruined for a false hope of him loving her, just then Quasi broke the silence by questioning her "you've gone q-q-quiet Anya" "I could say the same about you Quasi" she said back to him, the pair turned to each other, both sat down on the bench next to the wooden replica.

Anya looked to Quasi who looked down fidgeting with his hands, that is when Quasi said with guilty "Anya I-I-I apologise for my outburst a few minutes ago, I just..." Quasi stopped, she could see that he was trying to come up with a reasonable reason, but she stopped him by saying "It's okay Quasi, I know what you were only trying to protect me, but just try to calm that temper of yours down next time, you could of seriously hurt someone..." he nodded in agreement, before he could say anything Anya questioned him "Was Esme the one singing earlier?" Quasi once again nodded yes to her "where is she now then?" that is when Quasi explained how she basically followed him, showing her the bells, the conversation they had with each other and how he helped her escape by climbing down the cathedral "oh and she also g-g-gave me this" he said showing Anya an oval shaped, weaved necklace, as she examined the item she realised that she had seen this before many years ago, her mother and father used to have one, but she was never sure what its purpose was "do you know what it is?" Quasi questioned Anya "no idea, oh I hope Esme is safe" that is when Quasi's rough hands held her delicate hands "she will be I promise you."

Anya's heart was starting to beat fast at his simple touch, she felt her lips and mouth feel dry, she knew in this moment that she wanted to reveal the truth to Quasi, even though her gut was screaming no her heart told her to tell the truth "Quasi there is something I must tell you, but I am scared of what you think when I tell you" she finally admitted to him hanging her head down with fear, that's when he cupped her chin lifting her gaze to his "what is it?" he said with concern, she took a deep breath and started to speak "Quasi I L-" she cut herself off when she heard the door to Quasi's quarters, in that moment she panicked "Shit! someone's coming" which made the both of them panic, as she hurryingly stood on Quasi's table pulling herself up onto the beam, just as she was out of sight she saw a shadowy figure approached Quasi "Good evening Quasimodo" an kind man said to Quasi, she recognised his voice, it was the Archdeacon, a sigh of relief came out of Anya, she was happy it was not Frollo "oh g-g-good evening Sir" Quasi said with a sigh of relief "I do apologise for coming up this late, but I have come up here to check on you, I thought something bad had happened to you, since the bells were meant to ring ten minutes ago" he admitted, that's when Quasi said with guilt "I do apologise for being late, I will ring them ring them right away" Quasi ran off to do his duties, as he did the Archdeacon walked off.

Anya felt annoyed as she climbed down landing on her feet, the one moment when she was going to confess her feelings and it gets ruined, she huffed in annoyance, just then her belly growled with hunger, she realised that she had not eaten in hours and neither did Quasi, whilst he was ringing the bells she decided that she would make her and Quasi a meal, she ran past his quarters, down the stairs that lead to the front of the cathedral, she entered her quarters and walked into the pantry, she grabbed a few slices of ham, bread, a few apples and a bottle of wine, she put the items into a basket and ran back up to Quasi's quarters, as she opened the front door she heard him singing:

So many times out there

I've watched a happy pair

Of lovers walking in the night

They had a kind of glow around them

It almost looked like Heaven's light

I knew I'd never know

That warm and loving glow

Though I might wish with all my might

No face as hideous as my face

Was ever meant for Heaven's light

But suddenly an angel has smiled at me

And touched my face without a trace of fright

I dare to dream that she

Might even care for me

And as I ring the bells tonight

My cold dark tower seems so bright

I swear it must be Heaven's Light

Her heart heart melted at his singing, could it be? Did Quasi really feel the same way as her? she had to find out, as she ran up she saw that he sat next to his replica town, his back was facing her, she walked up to him and said with a sweet smile "Hey Quasi" he turned to her and smiled back to her "oh hey Anya, I w-w-wondered where you went to..." that's when he noticed Anya's basket "what have you got in your basket?" "Oh I bought some food up for you in case you were hungry, what are you doing?" she questioned with curiosity, what he finally carving her? that's when he said with a sweet smile "oh I have just finished my new carving, what do you think?" he questioned Anya showing her, as she held the carving in her hand her smile dropped, in that moment she felt her heart shatter into a million pieces as she see's the carving is off her friend Esme and not her, he loved her friend and not her "is it really that bad?" Quasi questioned her, Anya fought back tears and put a false smile on her face "oh no it is just as marvellous as ever" she said trying to hold her true emotions in as she passed the carving back to Quasi "oh thank you, now w-w-what was it you were g-g-going to say earlier?" she had to shrug off his question "oh nothing, listen I am so tired, so I will be leaving, goodnight" she said running off leaving Quasi on his own, she couldn't hold back the tears as she ran down the steps that lead to the cathedral, as she reached the final step, she walked into her quarters she couldn't help but collapse onto her knees, sobs and tears streamed down her face, the pain was unbearable, she knew now what it was like to feel her heart brake.

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