Chapter Sixteen

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Anya's heartbeat was racing fast, she felt like her mouth was dry and her hands were shaky and sweaty as she held onto the only weapon she had, as she waited anxiously for the guards to come up, after a few minutes she heard the doors of Quasi's chambers open, the guards grunted as they struggled to carry Quasi up the stairs, even from the shadows she could see the hope dissolved out of Quasi's eyes, the look made her heart break, she knew she couldn't bear to see him like this, so using the shadows she sneaked behind the guards, however they became distracted when her beloved pooch Pooka started to growl at them, one of them mocked "oh isn't that sweet, the hunchback only friend is a rat, can't make any normal friends can we Hunchback?" The guards laughed, the comment passed Anya off to the point her blood was boiling, before she could stop herself she growled to them "Oi! Don't dare say a bad word about my Quasi!"

The guards jumped in shock at her angered words as they turned, Quasi also turned, a glimmer of hope in his eyes "A-A-Anya!" Quasi called her name with worry as one of the guards let go off Quasi's arms and charged after her, pulling out a small blade from his seath, Anya showed no fear as she ran up to the guard, using her stick she dodged his attack, Anya kept dodging his attacks, walking backwards until she was at the edge of the steps, the guard smirked as he was about to push her but Quasi shouted her name, she could see that Quasi had a strong hold of the other guard, holding him high in the air, Anya jumped from the side as Quasi threw the guard at the other one, both of the guards screamed as they fell down the stairs with a bang, after a few seconds everything fell silent, Anya stood up looking at the tangled bodies downstairs which were silent, a sigh of relief escaped her lips, she then turned to see Quasi walking up to her with a limp.

Anya couldn't hold back her tears as she knelt down next to Quasi, pulling him into a hug, Quasi hugged her back tightly "Quasi so sorry for leaving you" Anya said through sobs "w-w-why did you l-l-leave?" Quasi questioned with tears streaming down his face, Anya knew she had to tell the truth "Because I was stupidly jealous of something I shouldn't have been..." Quasi looked at her confused, he didn't quite understand what she meant, Anya then kept speaking "...When I saw that you did the carving of Esme I got jealous, I thought-" she couldn't finish her sentence as sobs came from her, Just then Quasi understood and questioned Anya "y-y-you thought I l-l-loved Esme" Anya nodded in agreement, she couldn't bear the thought of him looking at her, that is when Anya finally admitted to him "I love you Quasi, I have loved you for a while now, but I didn't know when best to tell you" Quasi stared at Anya in shock "h-h-how can you love me? I'm a-a-a monster!" He said breaking Anyas heart "for god sake Quasi you are not a monster, you are a man, and I love you for you" before he could speak anymore Anya started to sing to him:

No more talk of darkness

Forget these wide-eyed fears

I'm here

nothing can harm you

My words will warm and calm you

Let me be your freedom

Let daylight dry your tears

I'm here

with you

beside you

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