Chapter Four

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Anya and Quasimodo as having the best time of their life's at the festival, they only had the one drink so they were not drunk but it did not stop them from having fun, both of them watched all the acrobatics, the clowns, the musicians, they even danced alongside each other, both of them were enjoying the time together, as they had never been this close to each other before, half an hour into the 'Feast Of Fools' and Anya heard Coplin sing:

Come one, come all!

Hurry, hurry here's your chance

See the mystery and romance

That's when Anya said to Quasi "shall we watch the next act?" to which Quasi nodded his head yes, Anya and Quasi cut through the crowd to be at the side of the stage when they heard more singing

Come one, come all!

See the finest girl in France

Make an entrance to entrance

Dance, la Esmeralda


As Coplin dissappears off the stage in a poof of pink smoke and a dancer appears on stage, Anya gasps in shock as she sees an tanned beauty with thick, wavy black hair wearing a small crown, a red dress with purple sleeves and small bells attached to her dress, bracelets on each wrists, she is holding a tamberene in her left hand, she is barefoot with an ankle bracelet on her left foot "Anya what is the matter?" Quasi questions his friend as he sees the look of shock on her face "it's Emse" she says with shock, Quasi turns his full attention to Anya "you know the girl?" Anya turns her attention to him "many years ago, when we were children, she was my neighbour, I guess you could say we were childhood sweethearts, she used to call me Red" Anya said as the memories started to cloud her mind, but Quasi's voice broke through the cloud as he said "she is beautiful" and in that moment a twinge of jealously struck her heart, Anya could say no more than "yes she is" she watched her oldest friend dance on the stage, as she did the splits she also Esme wink at Quasi who in turn covered his face with the hood of his cape, what just happened? Did the two know each other? Just then Anya saw Esme taking a spear of a guard jabs it into the stage floor before dancing around it, Anya had to admit to herself her dancing skills had only gotten better as she grew older, she couldn't help but throw a coin onto the stage as Quasi clapped her just then Coplin says "and now ladies and Gentlemen the pièce de resistance" before he starts singing:

Here it is, the moment you've been waiting for

Here it is, you know exactly what's in store

Now's the time we laugh until our sides get sore

Now's the time we crown the King of Fools

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