Chapter Eighteen

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Adrenaline pumped through Quasimodo's body, as he climbed further up into the cathedral with his true love clinging onto his back, In between the towers were a hot boiling cauldron of lava was, heavy beams of wood and concrete slabs splayed allover the floor, as they entered Anya jumped off his shoulders saying "thank you for saving me Quasi" he turned towards her, his gaze softened as he stared at her "you don't need to thank me, I-I-I will do anything to p-p-protect you" he said wholeheartedly, to which Anya said with love "and I would do the same for you, its us against the world Quasi" both smiled at each other, they would of kissed in that moment but Anya and Quasi could hear the guards screaming "Charge!" Over the bustling crowd below, their smiles dropped, without a moment hesitation Quasi lifted an heavy beam of wood, pushing over the edge of the cathedral, Anya watched in shock as the slab fell, guards fled as they saw the obstacle flying down, the slab destroyed Frollo's, just missing Frollo himself, Anya couldn't help but think how alluring his strength was, which made her cheeks blush slightly pink.

But she shook of the thoughts as she saw that Frollo had ordered the remaining guards to pick up the beam the Quasi had thrown and were using it to break into the cathedral, just then in the distance Anya saw Phoebus and Esme standing on one of the cages holding the gypsy's captured, Phoebus screamed "citizens of Paris, Frollo has persucted our people! ransacked our city!" Esme then continued by screaming "Now he has declared war on Notra Dame herself! Will we allow it?!" To which the crowd overpowered the guards and started to charge after Frollo, the Gypsy's were also set free which made Anya smile, she shouted to Quasi to gain his attention "I think the calvary's here!" To which Quasi said "I'm glad they are" to which both nodded, Anya and Quasi then saw three wooden ladders on the cathedral with guards climbing up, both then ran to grab some of the slabs of concrete, Quasi carried the huge ones whilst Anya could carry the smaller ones, both pushed them over the edge, Quasi's slab not only hit an guard on the head making him fall to his death, but broke the ladder to but Anya's only managed to knock one of them on the head, making the guard loose balance and fall, this carried on for for five more times, as Anya turned to the side of the cathedral, she looked over the edge to see an hook which was attached to a rope with guards climbing up, she tried to loosen the hook but couldn't, she shouted Quasi's name, in a few seconds he came to her, when he saw what was going on he grabbed the hook and pulled it towards him speedily, the guards didn't have enough time to react as they slammed into the concrete of the cathedral before falling into the river.

As she went back to her original position she saw that there was no more heavy slabs or beams, only small pieces which would do nothing to harm the guards "w-w-what do we do now?" Quasi questioned Anya with panic, that is when Anya heard the bubbling of the lava in the cauldron, that is when Anya pointed to it, looking at Quasi who turned to the cauldron, he looked horrified and said "w-w-we don't have much of a c-c-choice do we?" Anya nodded no to him, both ran over to the safe spot, Quasi looked and saw an hook attached to an rope, he connected it to the cauldron, both Anya and Quasi grunted as they pulled with all their might to move the cauldron at first it did not budge but after a few tries they finally managed to move it as the lava poured out of the cauldron, and falling over the edge, falling like a waterfall onto the streets of Paris, guards ran away with fear and so did the citizens, at the Notra Dame glowed bright orange.

Anya climbed upon Quasi's back as he climbed up to his quarters, both looked at the mess below seeing that most of the guards had passed away, luckily no citizens or gypsy's were hurt which gave Anya an sigh of relief, as they entered Anya climbed off his back, that is when she heard an familiar bark, when she looked underneath the table she saw Pooka shivering with fright, he jumped into Anya's arms and started to frankly kiss her, Quasi looked confused at first until he saw the little dog "is he yours?" Quasi questioned with a smile "yes this is Pooka, want to hold him?" Quasi was nervous at first but when he picked Pooka up he started to wag his tail and started to lick his face, Quasi laughed feeling joy in that moment, but it was short lived as they heard an ear pitching scream coming from downstairs, both looked at each other in horror as they recognised the voice "The Archdeacon!" Anya said in panic, as she started to run, Quasi followed behind her, Pooka followed behind Quasi, as they went downstairs to the main part of the cathedral they saw The Archdeacon on the floor, blood was pouring out of his abdominal's as he had been stabbed before Anya and Quasi could run over to him they saw Frollo with a bloody sword standing over the Archdeacon, both Anya and Quasi looked horrified as Frollo sickly said "leaving so soon?!"

Authors note:

Hello readers! Hope you are enjoying my book so far, so sorry for short chapter and it being a long time to wait but working long hours and with Christmas coming, been a very busy woman.

Just a heads up incase you are confused the ending of my book will be completely different to the movie, I am not going into spoilers, but thought I would let you know, anyway comment and Vote and will see you in the next chapter! 😍

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