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One year later:

Anya had not had any sleep throughout the night, her heart was beating rapidly and she wished that the hours would tick faster, as today was the day she was going be married to the man she loved, she currently was staying over at Esme's home in the Court of Miracles, staying in a spare room which used to belong to Coplin, he had been banished from the Court Of Miracles after what he did to Anya, just as she heard the crowing from the Roosters Esme ran into her room, with Pooka in her arms "Morning bride to be" she said excitedly to which Anya said with happiness "morning Bridesmaid to be" she said with a nervous smile, Pooka jumped out of Esme's arms, running over to Anya and jumping up at Anya, she picked her pooch up and kissed him "hello to you to Pooka" she greeted the dog, just then Esme said to Anya "come on Red, let's go and get some breakfast before we get you ready for your big day!" Esme said excitedly to which Anya agreed.

After breakfast Esme started with helping Anya getting ready, the girls chatted about their partners, Esme had recently told Anya that she was with child to Phoebus, a small bump started to form on her stomach which exicted both of them as they looked forward to seeing her child, Uncle Facilier was even more excited about the news of Esme's pregnancy than even she was, an few hours later and Anya had her short red fiery hair in an ponytail, she wore an golden crown on her head, which matched her golden dress, once Esme had finished and she looked in the mirror Anya felt tears swell up in her eyes, she looked so beautiful, as Esme started to comfort her Uncle Facilier walked in, he looked at Red and said with teary eyes "Oh my, you look aboustely stunning Red, your parents would be very proud of you" To which Anya thanked him before embracing him in a hug.

Once all three of them were ready, they left the Court of Miracles and walked it to the Notra Dame, where they were going to be married, The sun shined high in the sky, Anya had Pooka in her arms, Esme and Uncle Facilier chatted all the way there but Anya was silent as felt nervous as she walked closer to her destination, millions of thoughts ran through her mind, she hoped that Quasi would be there, but what if he wasn't? What if decided he didn't want to be with her anymore? Anya tried to shake off the questions as she knew in her hearts of hearts that Quasimodo loved Anya as much she loved him, is it strange how love works but she was glad she found her love, it was fate that they would meet over Ten years ago, with her running from her life only for him to save her, she was forever in his debt.

The streets seemed to be quiet as they walked into Paris, she questioned where everyone had gone but as she entered the cathedral she saw the familiar faces of the townsfolk, who all gased with admiration for Anya, everyone couldn't help but think how pretty she was as she walked past them, in everyone's mind they all thought of how lucky Quasimodo was to have a bride like her but in her mind she felt that she was lucky to have such an loving man as Quasimodo was, as they neared the Chapel Anya could see Phoebus waiting at the entrance of the Chapel, he was wearing his usual Captain's uniform, now that he was the Captain of the guards again he wore his amour with pride, that is when Phoebus went into the Chapel.

At first there was nothing but silence but then the sound of the organ played, she put Pooka on the floor as she walked into the Chapel, holding onto Uncle Facilier's hand as he was to walk her down the Isle, with Esme following behind, when she walked in she saw a mixture of Townsfolk and gyspies sat down, all looking at Anya as she walked down the Isle, but her eyes caught attention of Quasimodo who was in a suit which had stripes of gold and white on the sleeves, and golden shoes, Quasimodo smiled through tears as he saw her, both were taken away by each others beauty, as they reached the end Facilier gave her hand to Quasimodo who held it like a delicate flower "Hiya" she whispered to Quasi, to which he whispered back "Hello, you look stunning Anya" he said with admiration, that is when she whispered back "you look stunning to."

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