Chapter Nineteen

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As Frollo swung his sword towards the couple they both darted off in the opposite direction, so they wouldn't feel the sharp blade on their skin, that is when Quasi shouted to Anya "Anya run now!" To which she did, not to completely abandon her love but to look for a weapon to use against Frollo, as she was looking Frollo had Quasimodo backed up in a corner, that is when Frollo angrily said "how could you lie to me all these years by keeping that harlot here! Haven't I taught you nothing all these years?!" To which Quasi angrily screamed back without stuttering "yes you did, all my life you have told me that the world is a dark cruel place, but now I see that the only thing dark about it is people like you" Quasimodos statement angered Frollo more than before as he venomously admitted "I should have known you would risk your life to save that gypsy witch, just as your own mother died trying to save you!" Quasimodo froze with shock "what?!" Quasi said, he then realised that Anya was right all this time, Frollo never cared for him, he was just using him.

"Now, I'm going to do what I should have done, TWENTY YEARS AGO!" Frollo screamed as he was about to slice his head off with his sword, but fortunately for Quasi, the attack was blocked, Anya had hold of one of the tall, metal candelabra's as she swung his sword away from Quasi, she then screamed "not on my watch you old pervert!" Frollo growled at her as he fought with her, she managed to dodge most of his attack after attack, luckily for her she got an advantage on him, swinging the candelabra around in her hands she managed to swing it in his face, which made him loose his balance for a second, the sword which he held fell out of his hands and with a clang landed on the floor, she then used the candelabra to hit him in the stomach, to which he knelt down, clutching on to his stomach, he groaned in pain, Anya had her weapon pointed to Frollo as she said angrily to him "this ends now Frollo, you will pay for your crimes not only against the gyspies and the many innocent civilians you have massacred but for the man I love to"

To which he cackled with pain and laughter "it is not over until I say so Gypsy!..." thats when Frollo tripped Anya over, Anya dropped her weapon, which Frollo managed to grab even though his limps were pained, he aimed the sharp point of it at Anya's head, in that moment Quasi ran trying to grab the candelabra out of Frollos hands but he threw him on the ground next to Anya, both embraced each other, as they looked at their enemy, she could of sworn in that moment she saw the devil in him come out as his eyes glowed bright orange, madness also showed in his eyes his cackled with laughter as he growled "...And he will smite the wicked and send them to eternal suffering!" Both Anya and Quasi clung on to each other as they waited for death to greet them, but fortunately for them Frollo growled with pain as they saw his sword plunge right into his back, striking his cold blooded heart and sticking out of his chest cavity, blood spilled out like a waterfall, killing him off instantly, as Frollo's lifeless body dropped to the ground they saw that it was the Archdeacon who had stabbed him.

Both ran over to the Archdeacon as he painfully fell to the floor, blood was still weeping out of his abdominal's, staining the floor and his clothes, Anya had ahold of his shoulders as he lied in her arms "Archdeacon, why did you do that?" Anya questioned him, to which he said "I C...C...Couldn't let him harm you... You two a...a...are made for each other, I b...b...bless both of you, two will life a full and virtuous life" Both Quasi and and Anya teared up at his words as he struggled to live, the last words he said to the couple were "I you both, a...a...and your parents will be proud of you always" then his body went limp as his soul left his body, both Anya and Quasi sobbed as they held the man who had been like a father to both of them, they sobbed for what felt like days but it had only been a few hours, just as they had calmed down crying the doors to the cathedral opened, gyspies and civilians who wanted to take revenge on Frollo all came in for a fight but halted when they saw Anya and Quasi.

Many had questioned what had happened, when Anya had explained they all believed her, whilst the civilians and church goers mourned for their loss of an great man many decided to burn the remains of Frollo so that he could suffer in the flames of hellfire for all eternity, as for Anya and Quasi they were up in his quarters, both didn't know what to say or do, both were still in shock and hurting from what had happened earlier that night, Anya could see the pain in Quasi so she started to sing as she embraced him in a hug:

Every day

You walk with stronger step

You walk with longer step

The worst is over.

Don't think about it, Quasimodo!

With all the years ahead of us!

I will never go away

And we will be together every day.

Every day

We'll remember that night

And the vow that we made.

A heart full of love

A night full of you

The words are old

But always true

...That is when Quasimodo started to sing...

Anya, Anya!

I saw you waiting and I knew

Waiting for you!

...That is when both Anya and Quasimodo sang to each other...

Let it be

Let it be

A heart full of love

This I give you this day

That is when both Anya and Quasi kissed each other.

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