Chapter Eight

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Quasi tried to run away from Esmerelda but with no luck, she just kept following him, when he entered his quarters he finally gave up, even he knew he couldn't out run her, he hid behind a pillar as she walked up closer to his wooden town replica, as she look curiously her reaction, he was sceptical if she would like it or not but he was surprised when he called his creation beautiful, he felt his hands become sweaty, he couldn't stop the nervous smile on his face, as they talked about his work and about the bells, he showed her around each and every bell, he even invited up to the top of the tower, she was amazed at the view as she sun started to set, turning the sky a pink hue, As they talked more the subject turned to Frollo, Esmerelda didn't even hide her shock for the fact that Quasi had been raised by a tyrant, he could also see the pity in his eyes as he explained that he is a monster, he was stunned when she studied his palm "well that's funny" she said questionably "what?" Quasi said in response, intrigued to know what she was reading "I don't see any" she trailed off "any what?" Quasi once again questioned "monster lines, not a single one..." she then held her palm out to Quasi "now you look at me, do you think I'm evil?" she questioned him "no-no-no you are kind and good and-and-" "and a gypsy, and maybe Frollo is wrong about the both of us" she said friendly to him.

"You-you-you wouldn't be the first person to say that" he admitted to Esmerelda, he saw the confusion in her face before she realised who she was talking about "Red-" she whispered her name before questioning Quasi "-where is she?" Quasi said "she is hiding some- some- somewhere in this cathedral, but your guess is as good as mine" he said with a nervous laugh, she look quizzical at him, trying to understand the relationship between the two, that is why Esmerelda followed Anya, but before she could keep following her Phoebus had stopped her in her tracks "how did you two meet?" Esme questioned Quasi, he explained about that dreadfully cold night, how their friendship started and how long it has lasted "and Frollo knows nothing about this?" Esme questioned Quasi "oh no-no-no, if he ever found out he would hurt-hurt-hurt her, or worse, I could never forgive myself if anything happens to her" Quasi admitted to her, it was in that moment she realised how strong their bond was, Esme could clearly see that Quasi had strong feelings for Red, she grinned as she asked the question "so your close to Red?" Quasi with a warm smile said "yes, we both are, we are very-very-very good friends" Esme knew from the way he smiled and the way he spoke about her that it was more than a friendship, weather he knew it or not Esme could clearly see that Quasi was falling for Red.

Meanwhile on the beams in the Tower Anya stars to wake, she stretches he arms over her head, yawning as she woke up "oh how long have I been asleep?" Anya questions herself, as she rubs her eyes to wake herself she sees nothing but darkness, she realises that she must have been asleep for a few hours, that's when she climbs down and back into Quasi's quarters, that's strange he would be normally here around this time where is he? She checked all over his quarters and where the bells were but with no luck, she was definitely confused, that's when she remembered Quasi had gone to check who was singing earlier, maybe he was still in the cathedral, as she ran out she felt the cool air hitting her, it was a refreshing breeze tonight the stars twinkled in the sky, just as she was about to entered the steps which lead to the cathedral she stopped in her tracks as a man stood in front of her.

"Hiya there, I'm looking for the Gypsy girl Esmeralda, have you seen her?" he questioned Anya, he was an few inches taller than Anya, he has short blonde hair which a short beard to match, he wore blue top and pants which were covered by an golden, metal armour, which had a cross engraved into the chest part,Anya was in shock at first, Esme was here, that would explain the singing she heard earlier, then Anya looked angrily at him as she recognised him to be the Captain of the Guards "even if I had why should I tell you?" he seemed confused at first until he recognised her "your the other gyspy who helped the hunchback" he said factually "don't dare call him a hunchback! He has a name you know!" Anya said defensively towards her friend, he looked apologetically and said "I apologise, I don't mean to offend you, my name is Phoebus by the way..." Anya looked confused, why was he being nice? Something told her to be cautious "...and you are?" he questioned her "Anya" she said factually, that's when he said "I have to admit your speech this morning was very heartfelt, that man is very lucky to have you as a friend" before Anya could reply back she heard a growl coming from behind her.

Phoebus stepped backwards into the stairway saying calmly "woah-woah easy" as Quasi stood in front of Anya to protect her, he grabbed an torch from the side, using it to scare Phoebus away he screamed "No Soilders! Sanctuary! Get Out!" Anya followed Quasi "Quasi stop!" she shouted, trying to get him to stop but he refused as Phoebus walked backwards shouting "please, I mean her no harm" that's when Quasi growled "GO!" he then used the torch to try and hurt Phoebus but he used in sword in time to block his attack as Quasi grabbed Phoebus by the scruff of the neck "Quasi let him go!" Anya said holding on to his arm, but he wouldn't budge, that's when Phoebus said "you tell Esmeralda from me, I didn't mean to trap her here, but it was the only way I could save her life, will you both tell her that?" Quasi had calmed down a bit as he said "if you leave us now!" "I will... But can you put me down?" Anya looked in shock as she saw Quasi holding Phoebus, his feeling dangling, he hadn't realised how strong he was, that's when Quasi put him down, letting go off him, Anya sighed and hugged her friend, who hugged her back, but before Phoebus left he said putting his sword away "oh and one more thing, Quasi your very lucky man" this made both Anya and Quasi confused "why?" Quasi questioned "to have someone to will protect you like Anya does" and with that Phoebus left, leaving the two feeling dumbfounded.

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