Chapter Three

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It did not take long for Anya to get ready, she put on her best dress which was a birthday gift from the Archdeacon an year ago, it was red and cream, the dress was shoulder less, white cotton covered her chest and long sleeves were white, the corset was red and traveled down her dress, the dress went down to Her ankles, it was beautiful on Anya, making her look like a princess, she decided to put her hair up again but this time with a cream coloured ribbon in which she tied into a bow at the back of her head, as she was getting ready she felt nervous, not because she was going out with Quasi for the first time in her life but because of the kiss on Quasi's cheek, Anya sighed with sadness, for the last two years her feelings towards Quasi had been changing, no longer did she see him as a friend, she was in love with him, she loved his innocent nature, the way he could make her smile when she was feeling down, he was her rock, but deep down she knew that he could never love her, she was just his friend and nothing more.

She took a deep breath, trying to take the thoughts out of her mind, she then took her favourite red Cape, wrapping it around her body and putting her hood up, she ran out of the catacombs, as she reached the Chapel she briskly walked out, making sure no one saw her, luckily the townsfolk which were in were to busy praying so she moved quickly, as she reached the stairsto the bell tower she quick ed her pace and ran up the stairs, holding her dress and cloak as she did so she wouldn't trip, a few mintues later and she was in Quasi's quarters, she put the hood of her cloak off, so her face was visible, as she looked around, she couldn't find him "Quasi?" she called his name out, that's when she heard him up high next to the bells "one mintue" he shouted back so she could hear him, Anya didn't shout back, she knew he would come soon, so she fixed her attention to the wooden replica, she looked at the carved townsfolk and noticed he never carves her, she knows that years ago she told him not to incase Frollo ever found out but that was years ago! Things have changed since then, she once again sighed but her thoughts were once again cut off when she heard a thud behind her.

She turned around instinctively without fear to see Quasi who was wearing his usual attire except for a grey piece of long cloth which he used as an cloak "hello Quasi" she said in a smile, he however seemed wide eyed at her and his mouth slightly open "what's the matter Quasi?" she questioned with concern, that's when he spoke "n... nothing, I was just didn't recognise you for a moment, y... you look...b...b...beautiful" he said, Anya couldn't help but blush, many men have come to her over the years and called her beautiful, but when they called her beautiful, she felt them staring her up and down, only wanting to use and abuse her, were as Quasi was saying it from the heart "thank you Quasi..." she said, feeling her heart flutter at his words, that's when she decided to change the subject " are you ready?" that's when Quasi smiled at her "ready than I will ever be!" he said, without hesitation Quasi picked up Anya bridal style, Anya was not expecting it so she squealed, clinging onto Quasi as she jumped down from his Quaters and crawled down to the centre of the towers, as he climbed down the shouting of people and music could be heard "Quasi can you give me a warning before you carry me?" Anya said to Quasi "oh sorry" he said looking guilty at her "it's okay Quasi" she said relaxing into him, he couldn't help but smile, just then both looked down as they heard a choir sing...

Come one, come all!

Leave your loops and milking stools

Coop the hens and pen the mules...

"Ready?" Quasi questioned Anya, who nodded yes to him as he jumped gliding down one rope, landing on a wooden pole

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