Chapter Five

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Anya realised how far away she was from Quasi, which made her panick more, she was too far away to scream his name, so he would not be able to hear her, so she would have to run onto the stage to get him, adreline shot through her body as she saw a tomato which had been thrown at Quasi's head, just as she was about to run she was caught from behind, she felt strong arms pulling her away from the commotion, painfully gripping onto her wrists "you pathetic slut! If I can't have you then no body can!" she heard the horrific words coming out of Gastons mouth as he with all his strength tried to drag her into an alleyway, she tried to pull away but he was too strong, she didn't give up though she kicked him from behind but nothing worked, at that moment she was scared for her life but fortantely she heard of breaking glass, then Gaston grip loosen, as she turned around Gaston collapsed beside her, he was unconious and a man stood behind him with a half broken bottle "Red my dear" the man greeted her "Coplin!" she said his name with a smile before hugging him "thank you for saving me" "not at all my dear, he had it coming, speaking of which my dear, where have you been?"

Before she could say anything she heard Quasi growling, she knew then that he needed help "look I will explain to you later, right now I need to help a friend" and with that she ran back to the crowd leaving Coplin on his own, Anya watched with horror as Quasi was tied onto a wheel, being spun around and people chucking vegatable at him, laughing in his face, taunting him, she could take it no longer as she ran for the stage harshly pushing anyone who got in her way, she ran onto the steps, the crowd gasped as they saw her on the stage as she screamed at the top of her lungs "STOP!" to which everyone did, whilst everyone was quiet she decided to say "How dare you ridicule my friend! Today was meant to be a day for fun and laughter and all of you have treated my dear friend like an animal! All of you should be ashamed of yourself!" Anya's anger stopped the crowd to agreed with her views, as they hung their heads down in shame, just then Anya turned to her friend.

"Quasi!" she said his name with hurt, he was bound by the wrists in a kneeling position and robes were tied to the wheel, Anya's heart broke at the sight of him, that's when Quasi looked up to see his friend who had tears streaming down her face "Anya, my dear friend, please don't cry" he said as tears of his own came down his face to "how I cannot cry? This is all my fault, if I had never talked you into coming here none of this would of happened" Anya said sobbing, unsure how to free him, she took her cloak off wrapping it around his body "I don't blame you for what happened" he said looking up to her with a hint of a smile, in that moment Anya knelt next to him, wiping the tomato juice of his face and hugged him, putting her arms around his hump, Quasi felt comforted by her touch just then a voice cut the silence "Red" Anya heard as she let go of Quasi, she turned around to see her oldest friend "Esme?" she was shocked she recognised her.

"Please tell him not to be afraid, I am sorry, this wasn't suppose to happen" Esme said to Anya, Esme was no longer in her red dress, she was in a white shirt with purple skirt, before any words could be exchanged Anya heard the cruel and cold words of Frollo "you two gyspy girls! Get down at once!" "yes your honour, soon as I have freed this poor soul!" Esme shouted back with authority "I forbid it!" Frollo said with command, Anya ignored him and questioned Esme "do you have something we can use to cut these ties?" Just then Esme pulled out a small knife which was hidden underneath her dress and handed it to me "thank you" Anya said gratefully "hey what are friends for?" Just then Anya started to cut the rope around Quasi "how dare you defy me!" Frollo barked cruelly from his chair "you mistreat this poor boy the same way you mistreat my people, you speak of justice but you are cruel to those in need of your help" Esme declared to him "Silence!" "Justice!" both parties shouted back at each other as Anya finished freeing Quasi, as he stood both Quasi and Anya hugged each other.

"Mark my words gyspies, you will pay for this insolence" Anya couldn't stop her anger as she grabbed the crown off Quasi's head "then it appears we have crowned fool, the only fool I see IS YOU!" Anya screamed as she threw the crown at Frollo who angrily said to his guard "Captain Phoebus, arrest them!" just then Quasi said "No Master! please I beg you to reconsider" he said kneeling "keep out of this Hunchback! You're in enough trouble at it is!" just then guards started to encircle all three of us Anya turned quickly to Quasi and said "I will find you I promise" to which Quasi sadly nodded shedding a few tears "Red, do you remember the old tricks we used to play?" Esme questioned Anya "very briefly why?" she said in confusion "well shall we play?" Esme said to her friend with a wink, Anya smirked at her nodding yes to her "just follow me..." Esme whispered before saying "now let's see, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, so there are ten of you and two of us? What are we poor girls going to do?" Esme said as she pulled a cloth out from her cleavage, both girls huddled each other pretending to cry before Esme sneezed and a thick of pink smoke came engulfing the girls, making them vanish from thin air.

Everyone gasped in horror as the girls vanished, even Quasi looked confused "Witchcraft!" Frollo recoiled in horror, just then Esme taunts the soilders by saying "oh boys over here" And Anya and Esme faces appear next to the masks that the other fools had been wearing, but when they saw that they were soilders a few feet away both girls held each others hand and ran, Esme said to Anya "Jump!" which both did together, the crowed cheering for them and carrying them to the end, but both turned around to see soilders from behind, Anya on insict jumped onto a cage which broke the instant her weight came on, flattening out the soilders, Anya still on the cage ran whilst the cage rolled, Esme jumped on the back of a man's cart as he pushed with all his might so he wouldnt be run over by the cage "Hey!" the man said "sorry" Esme said, Anya then jumped on, they rolled about a yard before they crashed, just then Esme grabbed hold of Anya's hand as both ran in an opposite direction of the one soilder chasing them, then Anya had a plan as she saw a man with huge silts waering fake pants, she bent down and shouted Esme's name, she briskly jumped onto Anya's shoulders holding the material, when the soilder rode into it he was catapulted off his horse and sent flying.

His helmet landed on Esme who bowed to the crowd, who was cheering for the pair of us, in that moment Anya enjoyed taunting the guards, just then Anya saw three soilders on horses charging to them "Esme" Anya called her name, she saw who was coming and handed the helmet to Anya "you were always better than me" Esme said, to which Anya threw the helmet, the helmet hit all three soilders and nearly decapitated Captain Phoebus to ducked just in time "what a pair of beauties" he said in awe, however Anya and Esme ran again held hand in hand so one didn't loose the other just then Esme whistled and one of the men in silts dropped a red thin pole which the soilders caught, unfortunately they couldn't stop their horses in time as it crashed into the hut for Frollo, who was raging with blood at the two girls, who were currently on top of the stage "hold on" Esme said as she threw an heavy and thick blanket over themselves, and the men on silts removed it so it was like they had vanished into air.

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