Chapter Two

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Anya had followed Quasi up to his quarters, where he sat depressed looking at his wooden town replica, above the replica hung some stained glass pieces, that Anya made for him, which shined the room different colours when the sun reflected on it, but at this moment in time it wasn't, Anya hated to see him so sad, she sighed one more time before she knelt next to him "Quasi, what's the matter?" Anya questioned with deep concern "I... I just don't feel like watching the festival" Quasi admitted sadly to her as he toyed with one of his wooden townsfolk "well how do you feel about attending the festival?" Anya questioned Quasi, she knew it was a risky question but she knew she needed to know his answer, he turned his gaze towards her, he smiled at her sweetly "I would love to go down and watch the festival, all I have ever wanted was to walk into the streets without fear, dancing merrily to the music and watching the talent of the mime and other artists..." but then a sad smile came across his features as he said "...but we both know that it could never happen" Anya then questioned with confusion "but why?" that is when Quasi reached over to the wooden replica, he grabbed a wooden figure from behind, he then showed it to Anya as he uttered those horrible words "my Master Frollo."

Anya took the wooden figure of Frollo out of Quasi's hand, looking at it in disgust, not for the figurine itself which was meticulously detailed, bur for the man itself, all the hellfires in the world wouldnt stop Anya loathing the man, she placed the figurine back on the table and said to Quasi "but surely Quasi, Frollo couldn't have forbade you to ever leaving the Bell Tower?" "oh Anya but he has, and he detests The Feast Of Fools, he would be abhorrent if I ever attended" Quasi said feeling a little defeated, Anya knew what Quasi was saying was right, but then an plan came to form in her head, she couldnt help but smirk "who says he has to know?" Quasi looked in confusion at his friend "what do you mean?" "well you sneak out with me, we have an hour or two of fun, then you sneak back in with me and Frollo will never find out" Anya conducted her plan to Quasi, who seemed amazed at first but who soon turned doubtful "but what if I get caught?" that's when Anya said excitedly "if we put a disguise on you he will never find out, what he doesn't know can't hurt him, ignorance is bliss, besides one wants to be cooped up here forever."

Just then Quasi stood up, with a smile on his face "your right! We shall go together!" that's when Anya jumped up off her chair with excitement "yes!! I knew you wouldn't say no!!" she said hugging Quasi from behind, both in that moment felt safe and happy with each other, but it was short lived when she heard the door which lead to Quasi's head quarters open, Quasi didn't hear as his hearing wasn't as good, that's when she let go and a look of anger took over her features, Quasi noticed and questioned to her "what is it?" "someone is coming up here" both of them knew it must be Frollo, that's when Quasi whispered to her "hide" to which she did, using Quasi's foot stool she climbed on the table, careful not to break the townsfolk or the wooden buildings, she reached her arms up and held onto the wooden bannister above her, she took two small swings then one big one as her legs wrapped around the bannister "hurry up!" Quasi whispered worryingly "I'm trying!" she huffed, she took one big breath in before swinging her body on top of the bannister, both sighed as she pushed her body off the bannister and stood up.

Just as she got her balance Frollo walked into Quasi's quarters, Frollo was a stern man who has stern features which were fatigued and withered, his greying hair was thin and wispy, which was covered by a striped dark purple and black hat which had a red silk piece on top, his wore his Judge uniform which was a long coat which was black and purple, a white collar and black shoes, he carried a basket which was covered by a piece of tatty cloth, luckily he did not see Anya who had tip toed around the beams so she was directly below Quasi, who was sitting at the table pretending to toy with one of the townsfolk "Good morning Quasimodo" Frollo said coldly and sternly to Quasi, who swiftly turned around to see him, Quasi had a look of sadness on his face as his voice trembled "oh... G... Good morning Master" Frollo stared down at Quasi like he was no more than a plagued rat, which made Anya angry, but she kept her hatred of him deep inside her "dear boy, what ever are you doing?" Frollo questioned Quasi as sternly as usual "I... Was... Just checking my carvings" Quasi said nervously, he sounded convincing but Anya knew he was lying "I see, have those vermin birds tried to take them again?" Frollo questioned to which Quasi nodded a yes to Frollo, in that moment Frollo reached his left hand out to Quasi, holding his chin up Frollo coldly questioned "can you spell Vermin?" "... V... E... R... M... I... N" Quasi spelled out, slightly shaking incase he spelled it wrong, he didn't want to be on the bad side of Frollo, that's when Frollo let go and said "that's right, you're a smart lad..." he then sat next to the wooden replica, placing the basket down on the floor and barked " lunch."

Quasi obeyed him immediately running along to grab two plates and two goblets, he placed them both on the table, he also found another stool so he could sit next to his Master, Anya couldn't take her eyes off the situation as Frollo asked to review Quasi's alphabet, as he poured a glass of wine for him and Quasi, she was appealed by the words that were coming out of Quasi's mouth, they were such hateful and bias words, but as Frollo asked him for the word F Quasi said "Festival" which made Frollo cough, Anya at that point gasped, even she knew he wasn't meant to say that "excuse me Frollo said wiping his mouth with a handkerchief" Quasi panicked and said "Forgiveness" "you said Festival!" Frollo said angrily standing up, Anya at that point was fearful that Frollo might hurt Quasi but he didn't use physical voilence as he scolded Quasi like a little child "your thinking of going to the festival" he said storming off, with Quasi following behind, Anya did not move from her position as the two walked out of the tower bells, she waited for a few mintues, she heard them coming back into Quasi quarters, the words Quasi and Frollo were singing tugged at Anya's heart:

Remember what I taught you Quasimodo

You are deformed

(I am deformed)

And you are ugly

(And I am ugly)

And these are crimes for which the world shows little pity, You do not comprehend

(You are my one defender)

Out there they'll revile you as a monster

(I am a monster)

Out there they will hate and scorn and jeer
(Only a monster)

Why invite their calumny and consternation, Stay in here

Be faithful to me

(I'm faithful)

Grateful to me

(I'm grateful)

Do as I say, Obey, And stay In here

"you are good to me Master, I am sorry" Quasi apologies as Frollo walks away "you are forgiven..." but before Frollo leaves he turns around to Quasi and says in his usual cold hearted way "... But remember Quasimodo, this is your sanctuary" and with that he leaves without looking back, as the door to Quasi's quarters slams shut Anya climbs down back onto the table, Quasi looks up at her, holding his hand out to help her off the table "I am so sorry Quasi" Anya says apologetically, guilt hitting her like a ton of bricks "what for?" Quasi looks confused at her "if it wasn't for me going on about the festival you wouldn't have been told off" Quasi nodded no to her and took hold of both of her hands "please don't blame yourself, you have nothing to be sorry for, besides I am so excited for today" that's when Anya looked shocked "you mean your still going to the 'Feast of Fools' even after what Frollo said?" "Yes I will go if you come with me" Anya's heart melted at that point, she couldn't stop her smile as she said with excitement "yes I will go with you" without thinking what she was doing she kissed Quasi's left cheek, it last for a second before Anya realised what she was doing, both looked shocked at each other, both then blushed before Anya excused herself "I better go and change, I will meet you back here within half an hour" Quasi nodded in agreement and Anya started to run, but before she left she turned back around and said "oh and by the way Quasimodo, you aren't a monster, you are beautiful the way you are" she said truthfully, her heart beating fast in her chest "Thank you Anya, your beautiful too" Quasi said back, both exchanged a smile towards each other before Anya ran back to the catacombs.

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