Chapter Seven

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"Wow..." Anya whispered with shock and surprise as she looked at the unpolished carvings of the blacksmith and Baker, holding them delicately in her palms of her hands, she couldn't believe how much detail was in them, from the wrinkles on their faces to the attire that they always wore "so w-w-what do you think?" Quasi questioned her, he was dying to know her answer, in his mind he thought she would say how abhorrent the carvings were, but he was in shock when she said with such delight "they are amazing! How do you manage to get so much detail into them?" she questioned with curiosity, he blushed a little at her statement and said "I-I-Its a secret" he said, that's when he noticed that Anya's face became saddened as she carefully placed the carvings back on the table and covered them up, he walked up towards her, holding her hands delicately in his large hands "Anya what is the matter?" he questioned her, even though his back was in pain due to the lashing he had and the fact that his spine was hurting, he managed to straighten his back the best he could so he could face her.

Anya took a deep sigh and said "I am fine, my head feels muddled at the moment..." she then let go of Quasi's hands and walked to the edge of  the window sill, looking out to see the rain pelting down on the cobbles, the soldiers marching inwards and outwards of the town centre " I am a fugitive I am scared that I will be took away and locked up for eternity or worse" she said feeling tears leaving her eyes, why was life so unfair? all she did was save her love of her life from being tortured from the townsfolk, was that such a crime that she deserved to be arrested? "I wont let them take you Anya, as long as you stay here with me, you will be safe" Quasi said, as he climbed up on the window sill, looking at her face to face, both of their faces were inches from each other, Anya's heart couldn't help but beat faster as she realised how close he was to her "how can you be so sure?" she whispered to Quasi "b-b-because I care, I saved you ten years ago and I will do the same again" he said softly to her, he used his right thumb to wipe her tears away, in that moment, Anya had the urge to kiss him, she was just about to lean in but she and Quasi heard something beautiful...

I don't know if you can hear me

Or if you're even there

I don't know if you would listen

To a gypsie's prayer

Yes I know I'm just an outcast

I shouldn't speak to you

Still I see your face and wonder

Were you once an outcast too?

...That's when Anya and Quasi knew it must have been coming from the chapel downstairs "Anya hide my friend, I will check who it is okay?" Quasi said to Anya to which she climbed up high up the structure till she was literally at the top, she saw Quasi running out of his quarters, she let out a sigh of frustration, just as she was about to kiss the man she loved it gets ruined, Jesus why is she even trying? He could never love her, he only see's her as a friend and nothing more, the thought saddened her, she sat down on the structure, lying her head back back onto the harsh wooden beam, in that moment tiredness took over, due to not having a good night's sleep last night, she couldn't help but drift into sleep, Meanwhile Quasi quietly sneaked around Notra Dame to find the mysterious singer, in the distance he heard...

God help the outcasts

Hungry from birth

Show them the mercy

They don't find on Earth

God help my people

We look to you still

God help the outcasts

Or nobody will

...That's when other people started to sing...

I ask for wealth

I ask for fame

I ask for glory to shine on my name

I ask for love I can possess

I ask for God and his angels to bless me

...Just then the girls lovely voice from earlier came back, that's when Quasi walked through the front of the cathedral, carefully so no other town folks could see him, that's when he hid behind a pillar, he peered over as she walked next to the circular stained lass window which was reflecting on the marble surface below...

I ask for nothing

I can get by

But I know so many

Less lucky than I

Please help my people

The poor and downtrod

I thought we all were

The children of God?

God help the outcasts

...Quasi couldn't help but sigh with relief as he saw it was Anya's friend, Esmerelda, the other person who saved him from being humiliated, he had to admit she was a pretty woman with her mass of thick black hair, her tanned skin and gorgeous green eyes, but in his mind Anya was more beautiful, that's when something strange happened, whenever Anya wasn't with him his heart tugged for her, he didn't understand what it meant, but before he had time to find out the answer someone out aggressively at him, cutting his thoughts out "You Bell ringer, what are you doing down here?!..." that's when Quasi was caught off guard and banged into an tall candelabra, this caught the attention of Esmerelda, that's when the man spoke again scolding Quasi "...Haven't you caused enough trouble already?" in that moment Quasi ran off back to his quarters, that's when he heard footsteps behind him, he panicked and speeded up, as he reached the bell tower that is when he heard it was Esmerelda "Wait... I'd like to talk to you" but he ignored her, just before he ascended the stairs that let to his quarters he shouted  "Anya?" he shouted to get her attention, unaware that she was now in a deep sleep, confused he shouted again but had no answer, just then Esmerelda came in front of him  "there you are, I was afraid I lost you" she said breathless from running, Quasi didn't know what to say so he said "yes, well I-I have chores to do, I-I-It was seeing you again" that's when he groaned, where was Anya when he needed her?! Just then he ran into his quarters with Esmerelda following close by.

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