Prologue: Welcome to College

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"Don't forget to call us if you need anything, Kat. You know we're only a call away." My old hag said as I tried to leave the car, just wanting to start moving into the dorms.
"Yeah yeah, I know. Can you just leave already? I have shit to do and I'm already tired of you people." I replied, finally breaking free and heading towards the dorm building. I heard my dad shout something else my way but I wasn't listening anymore, I just wanted to focus on moving my shit into my dorm and meeting my roommate.
   As I walk towards my assigned room I quietly prayed that my roommate ends up being somebody that I can actually tolerate. My tolerance for people is very low, so having somebody that I can actually bare to live with would be my ideal sitiation, though I know that there's a very low chance of this actually happening. When I finally reached my dorm I took out my key and opened the door, finding a guy my age with spiky red hair sitting on the couch.
   The second I walked through the door the guy walked up to me, a wide smile on his face. "You must be my roommate. It's great to meet you, my name is Kirishima Eijiro. What's yours? You need help bringing anything in?" He instantly asked. Somebody this energetic and annoying is my roommate? Great, this is going to be a nightmare.
   "Bakugo Katsuki, and I'm good. I just want to move my shit in." I replied, walking right past him to go find my room. I'm very happy that the dorms are all two bedroom, otherwise I'd probably go insane.
When I found my room I sat my suitcase in the middle of the room and started unpacking, I didn't have a lot of things so I didn't expect this to take long. What made it feel like it was taking forever? My roommate. "So, Bakugo, what's your major?" Kirishima asked, standing in my doorway as I started putting my clothes away.
"Criminal Justice." I replied, hoping to keep this conversation short. I failed.
   "No way, me too! What do you want to be? I wanna be a crime scene technician."
"I'm gonna try to be a criminal profiler." I responded, still somehow holding onto hope that he'll leave me alone.
   "That's so cool! I can already tell that you'd be great at it."
   "Yeah, thanks." I said, finishing up the last little bit of unpacking I had to do.
   "If you're done unpacking, do you want to come get dinner with me? We can get to know eachother better seeing as we'll be living together for these next few years." Kirishima asked, a huge grin on his face.
   "Yeah, no thanks, Shitty Hair. I'd rather take a nap, I'm tired." I replied, heading over to close the door on him.
   "Oh- Um, ok. If you change your mind or need anything let me kn-" He was saying before I shut him out. I sighed a breath of relief when I heard him stop talking. After locking my door I walked over to the bed, throwing myself onto it and burrying my head into the pillow. This is going to be a long 4 fucking years.

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