Just Leave Already

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"Katsuki, please. Let's talk about this-"
"No Hitoshi. Fucking leave me alone, I thought I told you I'm fucking done with this shit." I spat, my heart tightening.
"Katsuki, I don't want to leave like this though. Please, let me just-"
"No. I will slam this fucking door in your stupid face if you don't just leave like I fucking told you to."
"LEAVE!" I yelled, slamming the door like I had threatened.
   "Katsuki." I heard Hitoshi say from behind the door.
"I don't want you here Hitoshi. Just please, leave." I cried, slowly falling to the ground with tears streaming down my face.
   I thought he had finally left until I heard him step closer to the door, "I'll give you your space for now but I promise that I'm still here for you. If you want to talk please call me. I love you Katsuki." After that I heard his footsteps slowly walk away from the door as my tears fell faster.
I didn't move away from the door after I knew he was gone. I wanted to run after him but knew that I'd only embarass myself by doing so. I just put on this big fucking dramatic shit and for what? Something that isn't even going to be relevant in the future? I felt stupid and humiliated and I just wanted Hitoshi to hold me in his arms.
   "Hey, Katsuki? Are you alright? I heard you yelling a couple minutes ago and wanted to come check on you." Eijiro said, slowly walking towards me.
"I'm f-fine Shitty Hair." I replied, hoping he'd leave like Hitoshi did. The only problem is he didn't.
Instead of leaving Eijiro came over and sat next to me on the floor, pulling me into a hug, "I'm not going to leave you alone right now Kasuki. I can tell you're hurting and I don't want you to deal with it alone. You don't have to tell me what happend if you don't want to but I'm here to listen if you do."
I didn't push Eijiro away, I instead leaned into him and cried into his chest, letting out everything I had built up. When I felt like I had finished crying I sat up and leaned back against the door. I put an arm around my abdomen and stared up at the ceiling, "I got into a fight with Hitoshi."
"I'm sorry Kat, you want to talk about it?" Eijiro asked.
I nodded, "It's so stupid because it's my fault it even became an argument. We were putting some shit together and it just escalated from there. I was trying to move shit around and Hitoshi told me to stop because he thought I'd end up hurting myself or Saeko. I- I took that as him calling me weak and saying that I couldn't do anything myself and blew up at him. I said some really awful things to him aswell.
   I regretted it immediately but couldn't stop myself from yelling at him. I don't want to talk to him to apologize right now because I feel so fucking stupid and embarrassed over it. I feel bad too because I know that he was only trying to look out for me but now I just don't know what to do. This probably sounds really pathetic, I'm sorry." I said, quickly wiping away the new tears that had fallen down my face.
   Eijiro pulled me close to him, "It doesn't sound pathetic Kat, there's nothing for you to feel stupid about either, your feelings are valid. I get that you were mad at the time but at least you know you were wrong, you know? I do think that you need to apologize to Hitoshi but you don't have to do that now, take your time."
   "What if he wants to break up if I take too long though? After I pulled this shit he may realize that he doesn't want me anymore and-"
   "Katsuki, relax. Hitoshi loves you so much, he wouldn't leave you over an argument. You couldn't tell how worried he was when you wanted him to leave? I wasn't even in the room and I could tell. He loves you Kat, he'll give you your space and wait until you're ready to talk to him. Besides, I don't think he's the kind of guy to leave you to raise a kid by yourself. Trust me, alright?" Eijiro said, a soft smile on his face.
"Yeah, I'll have hope that you're right." I replied, doubt and insecurity still filling my head.
"Let's go out tonight to get your mind off things and try to have fun, yeah? It'll be on me."
   "I want to, please?" Eijiro pleaded.
   I sighed and gave in, "Fine, if you really want to then I guess I have no complaints."
   Eijiro's smile grew wider and he pulled me in closer, "Yes! Thanks Katsuki, go get changed and we'll head out."
   "You're going to be the death of me, I swear." I said after releasing myself from Eijiro's grasp. Eijiro softly laughed then stood up, helping me get up right after. He started to walk off to his room but I called out to him, "Ei?"
   He turned back and smiled, "What's up Kat?"
"I- Thank you, you're the best friend I could ever ask for." I said, feeling slightly embarassed.
Before I knew it Eijiro had me pulled into a hug, "Aw Bakubro, I love you man."
"I regret saying anything, you're awful, get off me." I slightly yelled, doing what I could to peel him off of me, though it didn't work out too well for me. When he finally let me go he gave me one last smile before we both went to our rooms to change.
   Eijiro and I met up in the living room shortly after, going to his car and heading to a nearby shopping and food district. It took about 15 minutes to get to and as Eijiro was finding a parking spot I did my best to look over the area. One thing that caught my instantly was a jewelery store.
   Once Eijiro parked we got out of the car and started heading into the district. We were about to walk right past the shop but I grabbed onto Eijiro's sleeve to stop him. He looked back at me, confused, "You alright Kat?"
   "Yeah, um, can we go in here for a second? There's something I want to do."

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