Alone In a Room

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   My classes the next day went by fairly quickly. I only had 2 and they were both an hour long so they don't take long in general, but for some reason today felt like they only lasted a couple minutes. I'm making my mind believe that it's because I had a lot of work to do even though deep down I knew that that wasn't the case.
   I got back to my dorm around 3pm, an hour before Shinso would be here. The first thing I did when I got back was go to my room to clean. I wanted to make sure that everything was neat and well put together so there was nothing that he could complain about.
   About half way through me cleaning Kirishima came home, popping into my room minutes later. "Hey Bakubro- Why are you cleaning your room? There's nothing to clean."
   "I need my room to be neat for when Shinso gets here. I don't want him thinking I'm messy or anything." I replied, rearranging the clothes in my closet.
   "Bakugo, I don't think he's going to be looking in your closet. Why do you care anyway? Your room's always so clean and put together, it's fine how it was."
"Just let me be Shitty Hair. He's going to be here soon so I'd like to finish cleaning." I said. Kirishima took a glance around my room before sighing and walking away. Once he was gone I finished the last couple things I wanted to do like make sure my bed was well put together and wiping down my desk and nightstands.
About 15 minutes later there was a knock at my door, "Bakubro, he's here." I heard Kirishima say.
I felt my heart jump as I took a deep breath and walked into the living room, Shinso still standing by the door. "Come on Eyebags." I said before turning back around and walking back to my room. I heard footsteps behind me, assuming Shinso was following me.
When I got to my bedroom door I opened it and waited until Shinso walked inside to close it. He took a look around the room before looking at me, "I like your room. It's clean, wasn't expecting that."
"What do you mean?" I asked, crossing my arms.
He shrugged, "Most college students have dirty and messy rooms so I was kind of expecting that. Maybe it's just because my roomate and I both have messy rooms though."
"Yeah, well, I like things to be neat and clean. I don't like my room being cluttered." I replied, walking over to my desk and opening my laptop.
   "What do we still need for the project?" Shinso asked, sitting in the chair I put next to my desk.
   "We need 5 more slides the cover the affects, symptoms, the cause, and if there's treatment." I said, opening up our document. Shinso pulled out his laptop aswell. I had the assignment on mine so I typed everything out while Shinso did the research, it was the way we agreed to do things during class yesterday.
I felt a little awkward while we were working on the project. Yesterday during class I felt perfectly fine but now my chest feels a little heavy and my face feels hot. Maybe it's because I've never really been alone with anyone. I mean, sure I'm alone with Kirishima all the time but that's different. I think. This felt different than being alone with Kirishima at least, I kind of wonder if he feels the same.
   "Bakugo? Did you get all that?" Shinso asked.
   "Did you hear what I just said? About the causes?"
   "N-No, sorry. I zoned out, can you repeat it?" I requested, not pulled out of whatever trance I was in. Shinso repeated the information that he had found and I typed it onto the document, moving onto the last slide afterwards.
   The final slide took us about 15 minutes to complete. Once that was done I did the works cited and sent the assignment to Professor Aizawa, completely finishing the assignment. "With that we're done." I said, closing my laptop, "Thanks for coming over to finish it, now hopefully we'll just be able to work on other stuff in class tomorrow."
   "Maybe, knowing our professor that's not very likely." Shinso replied.
   "What do you mean?" I asked, looking at him confused.
   "He's my-"
   "Hey guys! You finish yet?" Kirishima asked, busting through the door.
   "Knock next time Shitty Hair, my god. Yes, we're done." I replied, glaring at him.
   "Sorry Bakubro, since you're done though want to go get food?"
   "Didn't I say to ask Eyebags that?" I questioned.
   "That's right! You want to come out and get food with us Shinso?" Kirishima asked, turning to Shinso with a smile.
   "Uh, if it's alright with you guys sure." Shinso replied.
   Kirishima's smile grew, "Awesome! Let's go then, yeah?"
Shinso got up and followed Kirishima out of the room, I hesitated but reluctantly followed close behind. On campus we had a whole area dedicated to food and markets so Kirishima ended up leading us there, letting Shinso pick the place we went to. He picked some small restraunt he claims to go to a lot.
   Shinso ended up taking the lead as he led us into the restraunt. The workers quickly recognized him, greeting him and asking how he was. After all that one of the waitresses brought us to a table. "You come here so much that they know you by name?" I asked once the waitress left.
   "I come here a lot in between classes, it's not like I have anything better to do." Shinso replied, never picking up his menu.
   "Don't you have any friends that you can hang out with?" Kirishima asked.
    Shinso shook his head, "I don't. I have my roommate but he's always off hitting on people and landing dates so we don't really hang out much."
Kirishima was about to say something else when the waitress came back. She took our orders then took off. The rest of our time there was somewhat silent, the only person trying to keep conversation going was Kirishima. After we ate we all payed our share of the bill and headed out. Kirishima and I parting away from Shinso, me more than ready to go back to my room for the remainder of the night.

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