Babysitting Adventures pt. 1

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   "Hey, do you have work today?" Hitoshi asked almost as soon as I woke up.
   I rubbed my eyes and attempted to gain some sense of reality, "I don't think so? What day is it?"
   "It's Saturday Kat."
   "Pass me my phone, I'll check my schedule." I said, slowly starting to sit up. A couple of minutes later I was somewhat awake and was looking through my schedule, "As of right now I don't, though there's a chance my manager'll end up calling me in."
   "You think if she does you could tell her no? My dads called me a little while ago and they wanted to drop Eri off so we can babysit, I agreed and was hoping you'd be able to stay and help me since she likes you so much." Hitoshi explained, his eyes pleading.
I sighed, "I suppose I can stick around and help, it's not like I really have the energy to go into work anyway."
Hitoshi smiled and pulled me into a hug, "I owe you, anything you want and I'll do it."
I smirked, "Anything you say? I'll be holding you to this."
"That might've been a bad idea." Hitoshi sighed, "But I suppose it's too late to take it back. My dads will be here soon with her, get up and go get ready."
Hitoshi got up and left the room, practically meaning I had no choice but to actually get ready. I forced myself out of bed and grabbed clothes from my closet before going into the bathroom to change and get ready.
A few minutes later I walked into the living room and layed down on the couch, a knock coming to the door not too long after. I sat up and did my best 'I've been awake for several hours' face as Toshi answered the door. Seconds later Hitoshi's parents were walking into the dorm and Eri was bolting towards me. "Be careful with him Eri!" Hitoshi called out.
Right as she was about to jump onto me she stopped, a look of realization coming to her face, "Right, the baby. She's fragile." Eri said, climbing onto the couch next to me instead. Her face dropped a little as she looked up at me, "I'm sorry Katsuki, I didn't mean to."
I smiled and placed a hand on her head, "It's fine, you didn't hurt her or anything, you did nothing wrong."
Eri's smile came back onto her face as she put her arms around me, "I missed you."
"I missed you too Eri, I'm excited to spend today with you."
   "You holding up alright Katsuki?" Shota asked.
   I smiled and nodded, "I'm doing fine, she's slowly becoming more of a brat but it's not the worst." I replied, Saeko starting to move and kick me almost right after I finished my sentence. I sighed and placed a hand on my abdomen, "I swear it's almost like she knows whenever I'm talking about her."
Eri's eyes lit up at this, "Is she moving? Can I feel?" She asked impatiently.
I smiled at her, "If you want, though I can't promise that she'll do what you want her to." I lifted my hoodie over my abdomen and guided Eri's hand to where I felt Saeko kick. Almost immediately Saeko kicked again, Eri's eyes somehow shining ever brighter.
"I felt it! Dad, papa, I felt the baby kick!"
Shota and Hizashi smiled at her, "That's great sweetie, we're going to take off now, alright? Be good for Hitoshi and Katsuki, we'll be back for you later tonight." Hizashi said, him and Shota taking their leave moments later.
   "So, what do you want to do today Eri?" Hitoshi asked as he walked towards us.
   "I want to feel the baby move and show her my toys." Eri replied.
   "Eri, Katsuki might want to-"
   "It's fine Toshi, she's just excited, I don't mind." I interrupted him, a small smile on my face. In actuality I was completely exhausted already and wanted to take a nap but Eri's only 6, it's not like she understands the shit that comes with pregnancy. I'm 99% sure that Hitoshi could see through my bullshit but he didn't fight me at all.
   After Eri had told Saeko about all of the dolls she had brought she eventually grew bored and drug Hitoshi and I to the ground to play one of her princess games. She handed Toshi and I crowns then placed one on her own head, turning around so her dress was swaying around her.
   About half way into her game Eijiro walked into the dorm, his eyes freezing when he spotted us. His hand flew to his mouth, I could tell he was holding in a laugh. "Do it and I'll fucking kill you Shitty Hair." I threatened.
   "Who's he?" Eri asked, "He's not on the guest list."
   "That's my roommate, Eijiro, you met him at the gender reveal party." I explained.
   "Hey Eri, it's good to see you again." Eijiro said, a wide smile on his face.
   "You're shark boy! I remember you! Come sit down, you're invited to the party now, here's a crown." Eri replied, walking over and handing Eijiro a plastic crown. He was quick to accept and followed Eri, sitting down next to me.
   "Wait, did she call me shark boy? Why'd she call me that?" Eijiro asked.
   I quietly laughed, "It's probably cause your teeth are sort of sharp and because your hair kind of looks like a shark's fin."
   "It does not-"
    "Silence! You're disturbing the other quests. I just let you in, don't make me kick you out." Eri snapped.
   "M-My apologies." Eijiro replied. Eri smiled at this and then returned to whatever it was she was doing. A little farther into this game and I could no longer keep my eyes open for more than a few seconds at a time.
   After multiple minutes of non stop yawning I stood up and walked off to my room, quite literally unable to keep myself awake any longer. I heard Eri start to yell after me but also heard Toshi quickly start to explain that she had to let me go off. The second I got to my room I walked over and climbed into my bed, not even covering myself up with the blankets. I just rested my head on the pillow, passing out freakishly quick.

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