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If there was one thing that Andy Barber needed to learn, it was that things like this could seem like a good idea in the beginning, but end up resulting in irreversible consequences. 

Right now though? His head wasn't in the right place. 

His feet had taken him straight to her door, because he had nowhere else to turn. He had no one else who he could speak to. 

Only her. 

"Andy?" She'd frowned upon answering the door, not expecting to see her student's father standing there at 11pm. 

"Sorry...I know it's late..." He apologised, feeling bad that he was interrupting her evening, or had even woken her. 

Odette looked around to make sure no one was watching (Most of the neighbourhood was asleep by this hour anyway) and then stepped aside to let him through. "Andy? What is it?" She asked, seeing his face. "Has something happened?" 

"I didn't know where else to go - I had to see you." 


She looked at him just as he did so with her. 


That was what it was. 

Lesson number one had been not to act on his feelings without thinking it through first, and it had gone straight out of the window now he was here. 

With her it was different. 

With her, everything made sense. 

That was when he had had leant in and kissed her, not being able to hold back much longer. She'd probably turn him away, even at her age she had a wise head on her shoulders, and if she was sensible then she'd kick him out and tell him that she never wanted to see him again.

But she hadn't. 

She had wanted him just as much as he did her. Her lips kissing his hungrily, hands sliding through his hair. 

It was taking a dangerous turn for them both, and now he pulled away. His head still spinning "Sorry..." 

"Andy..." She began, but was cut off.

"I shouldn't be here..." 

He went to leave but she stopped him. "Andy...what's happened. I can see it in your eyes, something's wrong." 

What he told her next made him realise just how stupid and blind he had been for the majority of his married life and once again Andy Barber found that everything in his life was falling apart. 


A/N - I know, I know - It's the world's shortest prologue but we've got a hell of a lot more in store for Mr Barber.  :) Hopefully this has wet your appetite to read on for more ;) 

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