Chapter 16

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His hands slid down her waist, coming to rest on her ass and squeezing it gently. He felt her tighten around him slightly as she moved against him.

"You close sweetheart?" Andy murmured, feeling that she really was.

"Yeah..." Odette let out a breathy whisper, one hand now flying out and pressing itself against the wall to keep herself steady. "Andy..."

"Cum for me Etta, all over me that's a good girl." He urged as she released around him.
Sex in a walk In wardrobe was a new thing to tick off the bucket list, and Andy Barber seemed to be playing 'teacher' lately when it came to educating her on different positions.
She'd only ever had one other boyfriend and even then the sex had been bland, but Andy? He was more experienced and had given her the confidence to explore and try new things. Now he was fucking her through an intense orgasm before she felt him  he finish. Gently letting her down breathlessly.

Odette felt a little wobbly, but managed to grab her robe and slip it on, then holding onto the nearby chest of drawers for support. Each time he'd leave her as sore as the last, but it showed just how intense it had been.

And she enjoyed every moment of discomfort that she felt the next day...

"I think we're most certainly ready for bed".

He laughed lowly and ran a hand through his hair that she'd mussed up during their encounter. "Let's face it, we're gonna sleep well".
He found that recently that had become better. His mind safe in the knowledge that Jacob was now having therapy and feeling more at ease. Of course the trauma was still there, but he'd been a little more open lately as to what he was feeling and why.  His son was the strongest kid he'd ever known with regards to everything that he'd been through. "What time are your parents getting here tomorrow?"

"Around half three I think, plenty of time to sort and tidy..."

He slipped his arms around her waist, "and to have you in the wardrobe again..."

She chuckled as they got into bed and rested her head on his chest. "I'm thinking an early and rather steamy shower".

"Mmmm yes I think that might be a good idea".

Odette's parents were flying in from England to visit their daughter and to meet the man who she had told them about. At first her mother had been a little concerned at the fact her daughter was dating an older man, but had softened on hearing all about what had happened to him and Jacob.

"Oh the poor boy! Goodness gracious how could a mother do such a thing to her son?"

"I know, and he's suffering for it. That and finding out that Andy isn't his father? It's just too much for him".

"And how does...Andy, feel?" Her mother asked, still unsure about the man her daughter was now in a relationship with.

"He's still taking it a little hard, but he's focusing on Jacob and getting him better. We both are".

Her mother sighed. "I really hope you know what you're doing Odette. You gave up your job for this man..."

"I had to for Jacob. I care about him. The school have said that they'll give me some references anyway. I can find another easily but first I want to focus on Jake."

"And what about Andrew? What's his job".

"Assistant District Attorney- if it's money you're worried about mother then we're fine, and once Jacob is sorted then I shall get back to work myself".

That had been a fun conversation, however her parents had come to accept the situation. Now they were on a plane to come and visit her, and to finally meet him.

She closed her eyes and embraced the now familiar warmth of him. His arms keeping her pressed against him, skin on skin. Odette thought that she could just burst into flames whenever he touched her. She just hoped that her parents would like Andy and Jacob, and come to love them just as much as she did.

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