Chapter 18

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They had spent a rather enjoyable week with Eleanor and Henry, celebrating as the doctor had given the green light for Jacob to return to school, which meant Odette could find a new job. She'd made money tutoring anyway but was eager to get back into the classroom.

Andy was sat with Henry watching as Odette was looking over some homework Jacob had received on his first day back, a little unsure of one of the questions. "She's great with him", Henry stated having watched just how motherly his daughter had been the last couple of weeks. Her priority being to Jacob and seeing that he had everything he needed in preparation for his return to school.

"She adores him". Andy agreed, "she's done a lot for him, I just don't know how to thank her".

"Why don't you two have an evening to yourselves? Go out, enjoy spending time with one another, date night or whatever you call it here days".

Andy smiled, "not a bad idea, I guess we've been so worried about Jake that we just forgot to kind of take time for ourselves".

Henry nodded, "and that goes to show just what a good father you are, blood or not". He shifted in his seat. "You've brought him up well, and I know it will take some time to sink in fully, but he still sees you as his dad. We were lucky that Odette didn't resent us for not telling her about her parents until she was old enough. We always dreaded that day."

"How was she at first?" Andy asked.

"How you'd expect her to be, she was confused, a little upset, but once we had explained and it had sunk in? She accepted it, and both you and Jacob will too soon enough. But you and Odette need to focus on you sometimes, Jake's old enough to lookout for himself, he wouldn't mind you two going out for a few hours".

Andy nodded. "You and Eleanor don't mind us leaving you for an evening? I feel like a crap host if we did".

Henry scoffed. "Jake's already challenged me to some game on his play box? Is that it?"

"Xbox" Andy smirked, "Oh dear you've set yourself up for a challenge there, he and Odette are currently battling it out on some game they have going. She's winning so far".

"We'll soon see about that" Henry smirked and cracked his knuckles. "Now I'd go give her fair warning about tonight, she may want to dress herself up

Andy smiled and thanked Henry, going indoors to see where Odette was.

He found her in the bedroom and snuck up on her from behind, grabbing her and kissing her neck. "and what are you doing Barber?" She laughed and turned in his arms, kissing him gently.

"We are going out tonight, just you and me - talking to your dad I realised we never have actually have had a proper date. So your dad is planning on whipping Jake's ass on the Xbox while we have an evening to ourselves".

She grinned. "A date eh? And where are we going?"

"I think we should be spontaneous".

"Oooooh I like that". Odette leant in and kissed him deeply, "Give me an hour and then we can be as spontaneous as we like"


"You're staring" Odette smirked across the table where Andy was watching her, unable to take his eyes from her.

"Am I not allowed to?" He grinned and took a sip of his wine.

She looked away a little shy, "reminds me of when you first looked at me". He always looked at her like it was the first time he'd ever laid eyes on her, especially tonight. "This is nice, just me and you for once, not having to worry about anything".

Eleanor had sent a video through of Henry and Jacob on the Xbox and surprisingly her dad had picked it up rather quickly. Jacob appeared to be having a great time so her mind was at ease that he was ok. She still couldn't help but worry though.

"Etta..." Andy's voice broke her thoughts and she looked up at him.


"I asked if you wanted more wine". He chuckled and refilled her glass anyway.

She took a sip from it, "sorry, my mind was elsewhere".

"What were you thinking about?" He asked, filling his own glass.

She shrugged, "Us, Jake, what's in store...I've been thinking a lot about it lately."

Andy looked at her, "And what have you thought about specifically?"

"Just the usual things about life, will we stay here? Where will we be in a few years from now..."

"Where do you want us to be?"

She smirked once more, "together obviously, but I'm just going through one of those times where you evaluate life and stuff - ignore me, we should talk about something else".

He shook his head, "no, no - we're gonna talk about it, seeing as we haven't properly discussed it before".

"Bad isn't it." She winced and sipped her wine, "I mean, would you want another child?"

It threw him a little, he wasn't sure where Odette properly stood on the children subject. She still had time left but he was getting older. "I haven't really thought about it" he admitted, "after all this stuff with Jake? Makes me wonder whether I could go through raising another". His eyes went to her, "I'm not ruling it out, I just...I don't know where I stand".

"I know, and I haven't really thought about them either".

"I have thought about marriage..." he told her, "more so recently, us just getting away from everyone and just doing it".

Odette looked at him, "you mean eloping?"

He shrugged, "yeah, I do" and took her hands, "I think we should, I mean, what have we got to lose?"

"Are you seriously suggesting that we should elope?" She wanted to make sure that she'd heard him right, to which he nodded. "I mean that is spontaneous". She laughed as did he and then she finally looked at him once more.
It was the craziest idea ever, but it felt right. Like Andy had just said, what did they have to lose? "Let's do it..."

He was surprised that she'd even agreed. "Really?"

Now she laughed in disbelief that they were actually considering this. "Yes, I think we should".

"How long are your parents here for?" He smirked.

"Another two weeks". She grinned, "think we can plan something that quickly and get away with it?"

Andy took her hand from across the table and kissed the top of it. "Only one way to find out..."

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