Chapter 19

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"That's it Etta, take all of me sweetheart". Andy murmured as he kept her steady on top of him, dropping a kiss on her neck that made her throw back her head, trailing down to her breasts and then taking one onto his mouth.

Her gasp sounded quietly when his tongue swirled around her nipple, grazing across gently with his teeth before seeing to the other one.

"Ah! -ndy..." she winced in pleasure as he hit the spot she loved, bodies moving against one another.

Just one touch was enough to send her into a wet and shaking mess.

She couldn't scream though. Not when her parents were in the guest room next to them. "Go on..." he taunted, "moan my name..."

"I...Andy..." she groaned and shook against him as the climatic wave washed over her.

He finished, shooting his load deep within her and flipped her onto her back. She pulled him down and kissed him hard. "I swear my parents probably heard everything".

He chuckled, "even better" and then collapsed next to her.

"I feel so bad keeping the elopement from them, but at the same time I'm too excited". She grinned as she lay against him. "I can't believe they go home tomorrow".

Part of her didn't want them to go, but she knew they had to. They had really taken to Jacob just as he had to them, to the point where Jake now called them 'gram' and 'pa' - although there was an inside joke that apparently Andy and Odette would never know about.

"We can head over and see them once we're all settled after the wedding". Andy murmured and kissed her hair. "Jake's already been talking about a trip in the summer so who knows what they've been plotting".

"If it's my parents then they're up to something", she craned her neck to look up at him, "oh god, what if they know what we're planning?"

He smirked, "they don't, I haven't even told Jake about it yet".

"Do you think he'll be ok with it?" Odette asked cautiously, she was still a little unsure as to how Jacob would take it.

"After everything we've been through, we need something positive. He needs us, and to know that it's there on paper for him might brighten him up a little.

"I hope so, he seems to have really enjoyed these last few weeks with my parents".

Andy nodded, so had he, even if he has been working for the last couple of weeks. With Jake now back in school things seemed to be calming down.

How all he had to do was make the woman who had seemingly saved them, his wife.

Three weeks later

From the moment that he'd slipped the ring onto her finger, Andy knew that he and Odette had made the right choice.
It had just been the three of them, Jacob watching on with a smile. It hadn't really surprised him that his dad had wanted to marry Odette, but what had was the fact that they'd told him just a few days prior.

They couldn't have kept it from him any longer, it wouldn't have been fair, however Jake had simply grinned and asked when it was happening to which he'd been met with the answer of "two days time".

"Gram's gonna freak out". He smirked once they were back in their hotel room that evening. "You do know that right?"

"Yes, I can sense a heart attack but she'll be fine". Odette smiled as they sat on the balcony and dished out the room service they had ordered.

It was nice, simple, just the three of them. That was all they needed.

"Can we FaceTime her?" Jake suggested.

"If she can actually know how to work it this time". Andy's smirked, the last time hadn't gone so well apparently so he'd shown her how to actually answer the thing.

Jacob propped up his phone and began to FaceTime. "Oh bugger is that it?" Came a very British profanity followed by Eleanor's forehead.

"Gram, we can only see your forehead". He said

"Pardon dear? Oh! Blasted phone!"

"Like this". Henry's sigh came as he adjusted the phone. "Are you even wearing your glasses?"

"Does that even matter? Jacob's calling dear, hellooooo!" Eleanor's forehead was replaced by her face and she waved. "Still trying to get the hang of this thing".

Odette smirked, "erm mum, Andy and I have something to show you..."

"Oh god you're pregnant aren't you! I knew it! Henry! I told you she looked like she's put on a little weight!"

She rolled her eyes, "mum! No! No I'm not pregnant! Wait...what do you mean putting on weight!"

Eleanor now stumbled, " erm of course not!"

Odette looked to Andy and then held up the ring. "We kinda eloped". She grinned

"Oh my goodness!" Eleanor now almost dropped her cup of tea as Henry now appeared on screen. "Look! Look Henry!"

"Yes darling I can see!" Henry now said and smiled. "Congratulations Etta, Andy - let's have a look at that ring again."

Odette showed them and Henry nodded his approval while Eleanor gushed over her new son in law. "Well then you have to come over here and see us! Our wedding gift to you". Eleanor now said. "And of course Jacob wants to see the castle! Oh we'd better tidy the guest room..."

"Mum you're getting carried away" Odette smirked,

"We'd love to come". Andy grinned.

By now Eleanor was fumbling about for her laptop. "I'm gonna look up some flights..."

"We'll let you to go darling, congratulations, we're so happy you both! Your mother will send over the details once we've got them - if she manages to work the bloody laptop". Henry smirked.

"Oh I can work it just fine!" Eleanor's voice came through.

Jacob laughed "I'll show you how to use it when I see you Gram".

"You're a good boy Jakey, oh I look so forward to seeing the three of you! Anyway we'll let you go enjoy the rest of your day darling!"

Odette beamed and they said their goodbyes, ending the call.

Jacob smirked, "looks like we're going to England".

Andy nodded and kissed Odette gently. "You happy Mrs Barber?"

She grinned as she pulled away. "Very, husband"

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