Chapter 13

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Odette ran into the hospital and was directed up to intensive care, she'd had to lie and say that she was Jacob's stepmother knowing that they wouldn't let her in otherwise.

"My stepson, Jacob Barber? He was brought in sometime ago? What room is he in?" She asked desperately

"385." The nurse told her and pointed in the direction of where to go."

Rushing down to the room, Odette opened the door, seeing Andy by the bed and Jacob hooked to some machines. "Oh god...." She uttered, the severity of the situation hitting her hard.

Andy put an arm around her as she joined him, also still trying to take in what had happened. "If it had been his side that had taken the impact then he would've been dead..." was all he said as he stared down at Jacob.

"What happened?"

"They're still trying to find out, but all I know is that the car went across the road into the side of the tunnel they were approaching - the investigation is ongoing..."

"What about-"

"Dead, she died instantly." Andy confirmed. "Jake was unconscious by the time the EMT's got there. They're more concerned about a possible brain injury from where he hit his head. There's a few broken bones but...I don't know how to feel about any of this."

Odette stayed close to him and looked at Jacob. "Will he wake up?"

"They said he'll come around. They can't tell anything else until he does though."

"I'll go and get us a coffee, you stay here just incase he comes around." She said but he pulled her back.

"No. I need you here...please..."

She nodded. "Ok..."


It had been a long night, Odette had stayed awake for the duration of it, however Andy had fallen asleep just an hour before and she'd let him. He was exhausted.
The guilt was eating away at him. "I should've let him come with me, this is my fault." He'd said, head in his hands.

"None of this is your fault. Don't you ever say that - she did this on purpose and you know she did. She knew you were coming to collect him..."

"I'm not even worthy of trying to be his dad anymore - I can't even protect a kid who isn't mine..."

She placed a hand on his own. "He is yours and when he comes around, you are the only person he has left. Jacob needs you. Father or not."

Andy looked up at her, eyes red. "What if he blames me? For all this?"

"You can't protect him from everything. Certainly not the truth. I think you know that by now."

"Everything, marriage, Jake - it's all been a lie...I'm not even sure what to believe anymore."

She rubbed his back. "Just keep your focus on him. He is all that matters now"

Odette's thoughts are interrupted by a quiet voice. "Miss Winters?"

She looked up and saw Jacob, his eyes open and looking at her. "Andy..." she nudged him, "Andy he's awake!"

Immediately Andy was up and by Jacobs side, "hey bud, how you feeling?"

"I - well my head hurts...what happened?"

"You and your mom had an accident..."

Jacob thought for a moment and then looked at him. "She made me admit I did it." He then said, "she just wouldn't stop until I finally said yes to make her shut up about it - then she said about you and me's like she just went off the rails, speeding up more than she already was. Then she told me that she did love me and then..." he shook his head and looked at Andy. "What happened? Is she..."

Andy nodded. "She's gone Jake...I'm sorry..."

Jacob looked away for a moment and then back at Andy. "Dad? Do you think she wanted to kill me? And her?"

"I don't know bud, I don't know..." Andy replied and embraced him as he began to get upset. "We're gonna get you better, ok? I'm gonna do everything I can for you."
His name was still on the birth certificate. Odette was right - he was all that Jake had left.

Blood or not.

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