Chapter 5

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Jacob came into the kitchen to grab a snack, seeing Andy standing there, arms folded and waiting patiently for his son to emerge from the dark depths of his bedroom.  He had been stewing over the conversation that he'd had with Odette earlier, wondering the best way to approach his son about it. In the end, he chose the more direct way. 

"We're gonna have a talk, and we're gonna have it now." 

Jacob shifted from one foot to the other but said nothing. 

"Why?" Was all Andy asked. "Why aren't you bothering? This is your education we're talking about here!" 

"Because school sucks..." Jacob just shrugged. 

Andy threw him a look. "That's it? That's the excuse? Because 'It sucks'? Seriously Jake..." he rounded the island counter and poured himself a coffee with a shake of his head. "After everything that your mom and I did for you..." 

"Yeah well you didn't have to." 

Andy's head shot up. Had his son just seriously come out with that? Now he was more annoyed than before. "Yes we damn well did! What? We were gonna just leave you to rot in some correctional facility? You know you would have hated that more than school! I uprooted us all to here so as you could forget about everything!" 

"How the hell am I supposed to fucking forget if Mom won't talk to me and it keeps playing over and over every night!" Jacob argued back. 

Andy's mouth opened slightly before he wetted his lips. "You were offered therapy, which you turned down...and watch your language." He reminded him, sipping his coffee and looking at his son from over the rim of the mug. "Your teacher's putting you forward for tutoring, getting you up to scratch, it's time to buck up your ideas Jake, if you wanna graduate then you'll do these lessons and start bothering to put some effort in." 

Jacob's eyes cast themselves down to look at the floor tiles. "Sorry..." 

"Now you're sorry? Start by actually taking these lessons and producing better work and I might just believe you."  He exhaled deeply, suddenly feeling bad for the outburst. "Look Jake, I don't like being mad at you, but this? It's gotta stop - same as you and your Mom fighting like a cat and dog." 

He;d probably have to say the same for him and Laurie as well. Things were strained enough as it was, so much that Andy was now reconsidering just what was best for Jacob in that circumstance. All they could do was try to save their marriage - and if not? Well, so be it. Andy had wanted things to work, he still did, but with things how they stood now? It didn't look like a positive outcome. 

All he could do was try with his marriage just as much as Jacob could with his education. 

"She starts it." 

"And you make it no better for either of you." Andy pointed out. "Sessions start next week with Miss Winters, you go and you do them until we both feel satisfied that you've made progress." 

Jacob just nodded. "Fine..." and grabbed a snack from the fridge before retreating back to his bedroom. 

Andy sighed heavily and loosened his tie, unbuttoning the top button of his shirt. Laurie would be home from work soon, and the last thing he wanted was to let her know about this. He had no choice. 

As if on cue, she walked through the door, putting her bag on the counter and slipping her coat off. "Good day?" He asked. She'd found work at a local children's centre so it was keeping her busy at least. 

"Usual. How was yours?" She asked, then seeing his expression. "What?" 

"I had to have a meeting with Jake's teacher." 

Laurie sighed. "What's he done?" 

Andy braced himself against the counter. "Not putting in as much effort as we'd like him to. His teacher's referred him for tutoring so hopefully he'll start to improve, or at least realise what's important." 

"Oh for god's sake!" Laurie rolled her eyes. 

"It's fine. I've sorted it - I've had a talk with him..." 

"He needs more than just a talking to Andy!" Laurie argued back. "Does he not realise just how this could impact on his future?" 

Andy nodded. "Of course he does, but it's been sorted." 

"Why didn't you tell me about this meeting?" 

"Because you've been busy with your new job, and anyway - Jake doesn't need you making things worse by going off at him. It'll only make him stop trying." 

"Oh, so you're saying that I'm the cause." 

Andy looked at her, a flicker of irritation passing through him. "That's not what I said, stop putting words into my mouth." 

"You were implying it though." She huffed and crossed the kitchen to make herself a glass of water. "When does he start lessons?" 

"Next week." He paused, "Look, Laurie, let me deal with this ok? You've got enough on your plate without worrying about him failing." 

He was trying. He really was. 

His wife didn't look at him, instead choosing to open the refrigerator and collect things for dinner. "It'll be about an hour." Was all he was met with. 

"Want me to help?" He offered. 

"No." She half snapped and then he saw her shoulders lax, before her voice softened slightly. "There's nothing to help with."

Andy knew it was a lie. Deep down there was a hell of a lot that they needed help with. His wife didn't need to make this so damn difficult. He admitted defeat there and then, "I'll be in the office." He told her and went upstairs, settling himself down in the office and pondering on all that had been said today. 

That was when his mind wandered back to Jacob's teacher. 


Pretty, pretty Odette. 

STOP! Said his mind, but he just couldn't. 

That accent, the way her dress had ridden up her thigh slightly to expose the smooth skin underneath...those lips. 

He had to stop. She was Jake's teacher for crying out loud. He shouldn't be thinking things like this. 

You're married you idiot. Back the fuck up!

Andy shook off his thoughts and got up, heading to get changed before Laurie would call him and Jacob down for dinner, and to take a really long cold shower. 

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