Chapter 15

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Within a couple of weeks, Jacob was given the all clear and discharged from hospital, Odette and Andy giving him the choice as to whether he wanted to return home or to Odette's.

He'd chosen the latter, admitting that he didn't want to go back which was fair enough. He was walking with the aid of crutches and had medication to help aid his recovery. Odette had noted down these times on the chalkboard in the kitchen so as Jake could remember, but either she or Andy would end up reminding him, especially before it was time for bed.

Unfortunately, He had been withdrawn lately, which had been expected after everything had set in finally - still reeling in the news that the man he had called 'dad' all his life was actually not. His mother, who had tried to ultimately kill them both, gone. The changes had hit him hard and he had spent most of his time in his room, only venturing out at mealtimes.

Andy sighed as once again, Jacob ate very little dinner and retreated to his room for the rest of the evening. "I dunno how to get through to him..." he admitted as he helped Odette clear the table

"He needs time. You both do." She paused and then turned to him. "Let me talk to him, see if I can coax him out of his room a little more."

"You can try, geez this is the last thing that I wanted to happen." He braced himself against the kitchen counter and shook his head. "The amount of shit we've had to deal with, and now this? God I can't wait until his therapy starts because he's gonna need it." A hand ran through his hair. "How the hell could she do this to us? To him!"

"Andy..." Odette now took him by the shoulders.

He did. "He can't even look at me..."

"He will - you are all he has left, but this? Everything is hitting him at once, the truth about you, Laurie, moving into this home? No wonder he won't say much, he's been through too much for his age." She kissed him, "let me see if I can get anything out of him."

Andy nodded and Odette headed to Jacob's room, knocking on the door before walking in and closing it.
Jacob was on his Xbox but paused the game and took off his headset as she came in. "You know I could probably whip your arse at that." She smirked while looking at the screen.

"You play halo?"

"More of Skyrim girl myself but that's as far as it goes." Odette settled on the bed and looked at him. "Talk to me...what's going on in that head of yours?"

He shrugged. "Lot of things - too much it's like...everything's just scrambled. Mom went psycho and tried to kill me, dad isn't my dad, I'm stuck on stupid crutches and meds for however long!" He became angry and upset. "We came here to get away from the crap in Newton and it's been worse! All of it's my fault."

Odette swallowed, but then heard Andy's voice. "Don't you ever say that! None of this is your fault." He said as he walked in.

"Mom thought I killed Ben! She even thought I did something to Hope in Mexico! She thought I was a killer and..." he grabbed his head and winced in pain.

"I'll get his meds." Odette jumped up and ran from room, while Andy helped his son onto the bed as he held him, Jacob clutching his head and now crying.

"Come on Jake. Easy bud..."

Jacob was sobbing by now. "Why has all this happened to me? What did I ever do?"

Andy held him, "nothing, you've done nothing at all - you mom lied to us both, but that doesn't mean to say that I'm going anywhere. I still raised you, dad or not you're still mine."

"Come on, take them, it's past the time to anyway." Odette came back in and passed a glass of water to Jacob along with his pills. He gulped them down and stayed close to Andy.

"I just want things to be normal..." he said quietly.

Andy rubbed his back. "We're gonna get you better, we can't rush these things but I'll see what we can do about moving your therapy forward. Would that help?" And felt Jacob nod. "Jake...I don't want you to think that because of what's gone on, that you can't talk to me anymore. You can, I'm always here and so is Odette."

Another nod.

Odette made for the doorway, "I'm gonna leave you two to have some time - shout if you need me."

"Can you stay?" Jacob asked, looking up slightly. "I just...feel like I need you both here right now."

Odette looked to Andy who nodded. "You sure?"


She settled onto the chair at his desk. Saving his game and then turning to him. "You'll feel better by not staying in your room all day - I know it's sanctuary, easy place to hide because I did too when I was your age. But soon it becomes more like a prison cell..."

"Yeah, and I've been in one of those."

"All the more reason to not keep to it - I'm heading into town tomorrow if you feel like coming? But it's up to you. It'll do you good to get some air though."

Jacob nodded, "ok."

Odette looked at them both. "I also spoke to mum and dad today - they want to meet you both when they visit next month, but if it's too much then..."

Jacob now interrupted, "I wanna..."

"You do?"

"Do they know about me?"

She nodded. "My mum has a few books on the castle that she's going to bring for you, I told her you were keen on finding out more about it."

Jacob smiled, "that's they they think I'm a murderer?"

She shook her head, it broke her heart that Jacob would still think others saw him as one - even though he was innocent, "they know that you are anything but that. But of course it's up to your dad whether you wanna meet them or not."

Andy smiled, "you filled them in about us?"

"Left out a few inappropriate details but yes..."

"Ok that's so, so gross." Jacob hid his face in disgust.

Odette smirked, "sorry - look we can always sort schooling out if you think..." she didn't want Jacob the subject of gossip again. It wouldn't be good for his health.

"No, it's cool - I like school and I wanna go back when I'm a bit better. I've been talking to Troy and Austin, kinda wanna get back and see them too."

"You sure bud? Because by then people will know about me and Odette?"

Jacob shrugged. "It's already gone around school - and now they're talking about catching Mr Smith and the art teacher in a closet together. Besides I've had worse, remember?"

"Yeah - and unfortunately I can't forget..."

Sitting up, Jacob wiped his eyes with the cuff of his hoodie. "I feel head still hurts thigh."

"Early night, no exceptions." Andy instructed. "Come on, get yourself settled down."

"Ok..." he said as Odette and Andy made for the door. "Dad? Odette?" They turned, Andy feeling a mixture of pain and warmth at the fact that Jacob still wanted to call him that, "thanks..."

Andy smiled lightly, "we're always here, remember that ok? You can talk to us."

Seeing him nod, both of them bid him a goodnight and walked out. It would still take Jacob time, but tonight had been some progress at least.

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