Chapter 9

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Hands trailed over her smooth skin, lips dipping down to press themselves against it, to taste her. Her breath hitched every so often as she moved on top of him, uttering his name in some sort of prayer.


He could feel nails dig into his back on every thrust. Every movement made her moan in pleasure that it sent him wild.


Silencing her with a long kiss, he continued moving against her, hands sliding down down her breasts to cup them, squeeze them. This only made her moan more and tighten around him. She was close, her movements becoming desperate, yearning for the pleasure to crash over her in the ever building wave inside of her.

He brought his hands to her hips, keeping her firmly in place as climax overcame them both. She looked deep into his with that smile she always gave him, beginning to slowly fade away from him, beautiful face a blur until he could not longer make it out.

The last words he heard were hers...


Then his eyes opened.

Damnit. He knew that Odette would invade his dreams at one point, it was surprising that it hadn't been sooner.
Turning his head, he saw that Laurie was still sound asleep next to him, before he rolled over to check his phone.


Putting it down, he laid back down, staring at the ceiling - the way that Odette had looked at him when he'd left the school yesterday evening? He was sure there was something there.

Get a grip asshole, it can't happen. She's Jake's teacher! You have a wife! Work on saving what you have!

Was it even worth saving anymore?

Odette had technically told him that anything worth saving was.

One more shot. He was going to try it, and if it didn't work? Bring him and Laurie back closer together like they had been.

That was all he could do. Andy was running out of options and patience. Jacob was trying to build bridges with his mother and he could see that she was slowly coming around and being less distant to their son than she had been.

It was something. Plus his tuition was paying off, he was happier. Andy decided that perhaps a weekend of the three of them doing something would perhaps help. They never spent any time as a family anymore. Mexico had been the last and it had turned into a nightmare.

He missed it. He missed them.

Later on that morning, Andy sipped his coffee as he watched Laurie flit about the kitchen getting ready for work. Jake had already left school.
"I think we should try marriage counselling..." he said, causing her to suddenly stop and spin round with a rather confused looked.

"What? Why?"

"Let's face it, we've tried to rectify this ourselves, but you and I both know that if we're gonna do this for Jake then we need to get some help." He looked at her. "Do you honestly want to throw away everything we've had?"

Laurie sighed. "I just...I don't know what to think anymore."

"It's a simple yes or no Laurie." He half snapped back at her answer. "Do you want this to last or not? Because I think this is at least worth a shot!"

"Yes! Fine. Yes!" She argued back. "If it's gonna help us and Jacob then we'll try it."

She still didn't seem on board and he just sighed and grabbed his briefcase. "Y'know what? Never mind, forget I even suggested it." And headed out for work.

"Andy!" She called back. "I said yes! Geez what else do you even want me to say to a suggestion like that? To say no?" She then stopped as it hit her. "You wanted me to say no, didn't you?"

"For fuck sake, why do you always do this? This is the fucking reason that we're having problems! You're not satisfied until you hear what you want to hear!"

Laurie was furious, "you think I want to hear that my husband thinks we should have marriage counselling? I thought we had been doing just fine, but now obviously I see that I'm wrong!"

"I don't have time for this." Andy said, opening the door and making his way out to the car. "See you tonight."

She said nothing and instead watched him get into the car and drive away. She didn't even fight for him to stay and talk it out. Once again his wife had turned things around to make him the bad guy.

Yeah it's a shit show. His mind told him yet again, but you need to talk it out - if she doesn't want to fight for it then forget about it, you'll be a much happier man divorced...

Would he? The last thing he wanted was for Jake to go through this.

No. He needed to talk to Laurie, without the shouting match. It was better to hold off, maybe she'd come around.

He would just have to wait and see on that one.


Holly slammed her hands down on the desk in front of Odette with a grin. "How fucking hot is Mr Barber? I mean, Jesus Christ! How can any woman not melt into one big orgasmic puddle when they look at that!"

Believe me, I do every evening I go home and think about him. Odette thought to herself. Especially after the way he'd looked at her last night.

She kept her cool and smirked at Holly who was fanning herself with a pop quiz paper, "I know right?"

"His wife is probably the luckiest woman on the planet."

Odette wanted to tell her that his wife was a workaholic bitch who seemed to care neither for her husband or son - from what she had been told - and that both of them deserved far better.

"Indeed." She now gritted her teeth at the thought of Andy going home to her every night.

"Is he just as nice as he looks?"

Odette nodded, "yeah, he's very understanding when it comes to Jacob, he only wants what's best for him."

Holly sighed dramatically and began to fiddle with some pens in the pot on the desk. "You like him..."

"He's a nice guy."

"No but I wouldn't be surprised if you have an iddy biddy crush." Holly laughed, "because all I had to do was look at him and that nice ass and I was sold."

She shook her head, "he's nice looking, guess we can always dream."

"I will be every night from now on. I mean if he was single he'd still be off limits anyway - no dating the parents remember? "It's not the professional way and shall tarnish our schools reputation!"" Holly mimicked their principals words that had been drummed into every teacher when they had taken a job there.

Odette nodded as the bell went and Holly sauntered off across the hall.

Nothing can happen Odette, it's a dangerous game, even if he did look back at you. Quit while you're ahead...

She wasn't a quitter. She'd even said so to Andy, but this? It may have been the first time that she would have to admit defeat.

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