Chapter 11

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Andy returned home the next evening, finding the house quiet and Laurie simply sitting at the kitchen table alone. He hadn't wanted to go back immediatly. He needed to clear his head, think everything through.

"Where did you go?" She asked him quietly.

"You never cared before so why should you care now?" He replied and crossed the room, "Is Jake back?"

"In his room."

Moving to the end of the stairs, Andy yelled to the boy up them. "Jake! Get down here!"

Laurie looked at him. "Don't do this..."

"Oh, we're doing this - he has a right to know." Andy replied angrily as Jake now came down the stairs and looked a little confused.

"What?" He looked from Andy to Laurie, "What did I do now?"

Andy crossed his arms. "You've done nothing, but your mom has something to say." Shooting a look to Laurie and waiting for her to answer. She shook her head slowly. "You've lied to me, and him - If I know, then he should know too."

"Know what?" Jake asked, "Mom?"

Laurie said nothing for a moment. "Your dad...he's not your real dad..."

Jacob frowned and looked to Andy who nodded. "She only came clean to me last're not mine..."

Jacob stifled a laugh. "Is this some early April fools or something?" and on receiving no confirmation that it was, looked desperately at his parents. "Mom?"

Laurie still said nothing and turned away, while Andy looked at him. "Your mom and I haven't been great for a while, and I'm sure by now you've picked up on that. We tried to keep it together for you, but it seems now that's not possible. We're getting a divorce..."

"Andy," Laurie now piped up.

"No." He cut her off abruptly. "You really expect me to stay here after the shit that you said last night? It's not fair to him! To any of us! So I'm leaving..."

Jacob went to stop him as he climbed the stairs. "Dad please don't go..." he all but begged. Andy froze and looked at him. "Please...I don't care about if you're my dad or not...just don't leave us..."

It was killing him. Jacob didn't deserve this. "I don't have a choice." He finally said and walked upstairs, packing up his things whilst he could hear Jacob and Laurie having a screaming match downstairs. Pausing for a few moments, he closed his eyes and inhaled and exhaled deeply.

It couldn't go on.

As he walked downstairs Jacob was there watching, eyes red and darkened - pure hatred for his mother within them. "I'll be back next week for the rest of my stuff." Andy told Laurie and walked out.

"Dad!" Jacob called going after him, "Dad please, please..."

Throwing his stuff into the trunk, Andy looked at him. "If you ever need me, then you call me. I'm still gonna be here for you Jake, you're still my son - but I can't stay."

"Where are you going?"

Andy put a hand on his shoulder. He couldn't let his son know of what was happening. Not yet. "I'm staying with a friend for now."

Jacob nodded. "I love you dad."

Andy embraced him, placing a kiss on his head. "And I love you too...we'll figure something out, but right now? Your mom and I need time to calm down before we can sort out what will happen with you and everything else."

Letting go of him, he got into the car and started the engine. "I'm a phone call away if you need me." and then be backed out of the drive, trying to keep himself from showing his son the pain and hurt that he was experiencing. He had to be strong for him, he had to be strong for himself.


Odette opened the door as she heard the car pull into the driveway.

"How did it go?" She asked cautiously, helping to take in some things. "Did you see Jacob?"

He nodded. "Horrible." Was all he said. "I didn't wanna leave him behind but I knew I had to. Perhaps once both Laurie and I are calm then we can talk about custody."

"Would you fight for full?"

"Andy braced himself against the kitchen counter and pondered. "I don't know..."

"He says she doesn't love him..."

"I know they've had their differences, but she's his mother - and me? I'm just the guy he called dad for almost sixteen years without us even knowing that it's a lie." His eyes went to Odette's, "I did the wrong thing didn't I? Leaving him behind."

Odette looked serious, "I am scared for him. Things he's said? Implied about her? She could hurt him..."

Andy said nothing for a moment. "She still cares for him deep down, you should've seen her face earlier. She wouldn't harm him, I know that much. They have their arguments and struggles but he's her blood."

Running a hand through his hair he shook his head. "I still can't get my own head around this..."

She put her hand on his. "I'm here for you and him, you know that - but no one can know of us. Not yet. He's still my student and technically you're his parent. It's off limits. Anyone finds out and I could lose my job..."

"I know." He pulled her closer to him, taking her face into her hands and kissing her. "No one will know, not until we the time is right. Jake graduates soon so once that's done with? We're free."

Odette smiled sadly. "We won't be free until you divorce Laurie." Then silently taking some bits of his through to the bedroom.

Andy watched her go.

Could this work? She was a good 12 years younger and yet had such a wise head on her shoulders. She cared about Jacob. Questions of course would be raised but he didn't care. Age was just a number and Odette? Well she could have anyone she wanted, but she'd chosen him.

Andy could only hope that when the time came to break this news to Jacob, that he would accept the situation and then.

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