Chapter 6

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Odette roamed the bookstore a few weeks later, searching for something new to read. She'd picked up a few text books for her tutoring and now the focus came to her personal tastes. They could differ between some chick lit and historical romance. The truth was she just liked books, and had the habit of buying more when she'd not even started others.

Jacob was trying during the first few sessions she'd had with him. Well, the first he didn't really want to comply, but Odette had manage to sway him to complete the worksheets. She'd tutor her students at her home, and every Thursday, Jacob would turn up rather unenthusiastic, get on with what he was doing, and then his father would be in the waiting car outside to pick him up. He was slowly but surely opening up, but being as reserved as he was, Odette knew that it would take a while.

As she rounded a corner to go down the next aisle of lined bookshelves, she stopped.


Odette went to turn but he'd seen her. "Miss Winters?"

She gritted her teeth and silently winced. 

Great, now she looked like she was creeping on the hot dad at the bookstore. Slowly turning back around she smiled brightly. "Mr Barber, I didn't know this is how you spent your Saturdays?"

Oh really Odette? You could have said something so much better than just that? Moron.

"Funnily enough it's probably the only place I think I'm gonna get any peace." He smiled but there was something behind it that told Odette that things ran a little deeper than he was letting on. "Anything interesting?" He gestured to the books in her arms.

"Oh y'know, just Fifty Shades of Grey, Kama Sutra..." she joked and then saw his face, seems like her British humour wasn't working today. "I'm lying, no way do I read any of that - I erm, actually I like historical romance more than anything. I mean, what girl wouldn't want a knight in shining armour to sweep her off of her feet?"  Nervously she tucked a stray lock of hair behind her ear. 

Andy smiled, "you found him yet?" He asked, interested to hear of her answer. Single? Dating? Taken? 

She shook her head, confirming the suspicions that he'd had in the back of his mind. "Still looking...but they're meant to turn up when you least expect them to..." Her eyes met his own. 

Smart and handsome.

Jesus, he needed to stop staring at her. 

Creep. His mind chided but he simply pushed it away. 

"You look like a philosophy man." Odette now said, bringing him crashing back to the present with a very loud thud. 

"Huh? Oh, yeah..." He shrugged, "There's only so many law books and case notes I can stand..." 

She grinned. 

Shit she was gorgeous when she flashed that smile. 


"It all sounds rather complex to me, law, philosophy - it's a wonder how i managed to get through teacher training." She smirked. "I was ok at school, not good, but not bad either." 

"You seem pretty smart to me." 

Odette's cheeks flushed slightly. He honestly was a handsome guy - it was just a shame that he was married. It was always the way. Plus he seemed well learned, he liked books so that was a start. Jacob had also mentioned to her that he was a lawyer. 

That would explain why he was talking about law books and case notes you idiot - the little person in her mind was eyerolling right now. 

"I'd like to think I am." She chuckled. 

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