Chapter 8

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"I told you already, I can't make that evening, we have a charity event at work." Laurie said as Andy reminded her of the parent/teacher conference that was happening the next day.

"You never said anything to me." He pointed out. "It's fine, I'll go, besides it probably won't take long anyway. According to his teacher his tutoring is helping him each week so all it'll probably be is just how he's coming along."

He knew that his wife wouldn't go, and that it would probably be just him.

All the more reason to spend time staring at Odette.

He hadn't forgotten the way she'd looked at him on the day that he'd picked Jacob up a few weeks before. It was almost like he knew what she was telling him with her eyes. Telling him that everything would be fine with Jacob as well as another message to go alongside it.

I know you're watching me Andy, because I'm watching you too.

It wasn't right, but the way Odette looked at him? It was as though she could read his every thought, but she was Jacob's teacher.

Either way he was looking forward to seeing her. His wife just wouldn't know that. Not that Laurie cared anyway. Apparently a charity event was more important than their sons education and achievements.

Laurie sighed. "Andy, I'm sorry - look I know you want me there too..."

Did he? At first he did, but now? Not so much.

He brushed it off. "It's fine."

"No it's not."

"Laurie." He said firmly. "I've said it's fine - besides you can't miss an event that you've helped to organise. I'll just fill you in on what his teacher said when you're back."

Just not the stuff that was off topic...

Jacob had been trying with Laurie lately, offering to run errands and things like that. She was beginning to come around, but then suddenly would distance herself once more. Andy knew he'd need another conversation with her about it, but decided to wait until the conference was over. Perhaps mention it then.

No doubt it would end in another argument.

In his head, he was going to give it another month or two before deciding what to do next for Jacob's benefit. More arguments would only lead to a more toxic environment, and the last thing he wanted was Jacob just going backwards again.

Marriage counselling was the main option that he was looking into. They'd tried to work it out themselves but it had really come to nothing. Some days were ok and then others? Not so much. The normality that Andy had hope to regain not just for all of them but in particular between himself and Laurie just hadn't happened.

At least some counselling could really tell them if their marriage was really worth trying to save.

Laurie just nodded and announced she was heading upstairs to get ready for bed while double checked the windows and doors were locked before following.


"So who's your last parent?" Holly asked Odette the next day at lunch through a mouthful of fries.

Odette knew exactly who was. Whether he'd meant to be the last one or it was intentional was another thing, but it would mean that she had time to speak to him more than other parents.

"Mr Barber."

"Ah is the Barber kid anyway?"

She nodded. "He's doing well with tutoring, in fact he's opening up a little more which is new."

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