Chapter 22

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One Year Later

Andy yawned and shuffled down the hallway towards his son's bedroom, still half asleep himself.

Nope, time to get up.

"You awake bud?" He yawned again, and walked into the room where he could hear grizzling coming from the crib. His 3 month old son inside and fussing. "That's a yes then". He chuckled and lifted him into his arms. "C'mon buddy, let's get you some milk".

Carrying him back down the hallway to the bedroom, Odette emerged from the bathroom and grinned on seeing her son, taking him from Andy and cooing her words. "Good morning gorgeous boy, are you hungry?"

"I'm starving". Andy smirked as she rolled her eyes with a shake of her head.

"I was talking to Jude, I know you're always hungry for one thing". Settling herself back into bed and beginning to feed their son.

He smirked. "Hard not to be when my wife is still just as delicious from the day I met her". Leaning across and kissing her gently. "You want coffee?"

"Mmmmm please". She smiled sleepily, "And Jake needs to wake up soon or he's gonna be late for school".

Andy held up his phone with Spotify already open. "One step ahead of you sweetheart", and disappeared down the hallway again, knocking on Jacob's door, "Rise and shine bud - time to get up..."

There was a groan from underneath the sheets.

"Jake I've already got Spotify open, you don't get your ass up then I'm blasting some David Bowie in your ear" Another groan, however his head didn't appear. "Your funeral" Andy smirked and turned up the volume as he pressed play on 'Let's Dance'.

Jacob groaned louder and emerged. "Seriously?"

"You carry on not getting up on time and I carry on blasting the golden oldies". Andy told him, ruffling his hair. "C'mon, up and dressed - I'll drop you off at school". Before he headed to get Odette's coffee and to then get ready for work.

The last year had flown by, Jude's birth being the the main event. Odette had carried on tutoring privately up until a few weeks before his birth and had planned on returning to work in a school once their son was a little older. They were fine for now, Andy's job keeping them comfortable.

Jacob had been grumpy through lack of sleep when Jude had first come home, however now he was used to it and slept through any kind of disruption - he loved being an older brother and would help out when he could. Most of the time he'd have his headphones in or would be on his games console in his room.
He had been discharged from therapy, now feeling a lot happier about everything. Although there would never really be any closure to the fact that he wasn't Andy's real son, the pair would continue to carry on as they were because in Jacobs eyes, Andy was all he had and the father who had stuck by him through everything.

Now with Odette's parents arrival due that morning, it would mean Jacob would see his 'grandparents' again since they had been in England just a year before, and they adored him just as much as their new grandson.

"Can't I stay home today? Gram and Pa are gonna be here soon..." Jacob asked as he toasted a bagel a while later. "Jude gets to".

Andy chuckled, "Your brother is three months old, he has a valid excuse".

"I can't wait till he's in school and I'm not"

"Well right now you need to be there so eat up and we'll get going". Andy said, finishing his coffee and then going back upstairs to see whether Odette needed any help.

He found her in Jude's nursery, dressing him. "Doesn't he look handsome?" She stood back and beamed

"Takes after his old man". Andy looked smugly at her.

"Old you are not". She smirked and leant in, kissing him gently. "Handsome? I suppose I can let you take the credit for that".

He pulled her into him with a low 'c'mere you' and deepened her earlier kiss. "I've gotta get going soon,
You gonna be okay?"

"I'll survive" she smiled and picked up Jude, Andy taking him from her.

"And I'm gonna miss you as well" he kissed his sons head as he held him close to his chest. "But you're gonna get a lot of cuddles from your grandma when she arrives".

With one last kiss he handed the baby back to his wife and gave her quick kiss on the cheek after checking the time. "Gotta go, I'll see you tonight". He told her, calling for Jake to get his bag so as they could leave.

Odette watched them from the porch, bobbing Jude gently up and down in her arms whilst the two Barber males were now friendly bickering over something she couldn't quite hear. 

"Andy!" She called and he stopped just as he was about to get into the car, and looked over at her. "I love you" and waved Jude's little arm to say goodbye.

"Love you too gorgeous".

He smiled proudly at the pair of them as she gave him the dazzling smile that always made him weaken, while making their son wave at him.

Andy Barber had never come to Colorado to fall in love, but if he hadn't then the chances were that there could have been a more devastating outcome. Odette had saved both him and Jacob, and despite everything, she had remained by his side, taken his name and given them both what they deserved.

A better life...and he couldn't wait to see just what else lay in store for the four of them.

The End

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