Chapter 7

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Odette paced her study patiently as she waited for Jacob's arrival. It was almost 4:30pm and she'd set out his worksheets and books ready.

The doorbell went sometime later. He was late but at least he'd turned up. "Come in Jacob." She smiled and closed the door as he walked through to the study, following after him and then beginning to get to work. "Ok, so this weeks worksheets are studying Pride and Prejudice - just like we've been doing at school..." 

"Cool..." He uttered and got out his notebook along with some pens and his MacBook. "I finished that essay you wanted in for Friday..." 

Odette blinked. "Oh? I see." and he passed it to her. "Would you like me to look at it while you do your work?" 

"I don't mind...just thought I'd get it done and give it to you." He shrugged, and then looked through the sheets she'd given him. "Do you have a copy of the book? I left mine in my locker." 

"Pretty silly question. Have you seen the bookshelves." She smirked and plucked it from the one she knew that it was on. "Here you go..." passing it over to him. 

He smiled lightly. "You've got a lot of books, you read them all?" 

She shook her head. "Unfortunately not - I have a habit of buying them before I've even started others." 

"My dad likes books." Jacob replied. 

Yeah I know, I met him on Saturday in the bookstore and tried not to imagine being railed by him against the shelves. She thought to herself. 

"Oh? Really? What's he into?" 

Another shrug. "Boring stuff, well - I think it is. History and philosophy."

"And what do you prefer?" 

"Magazines, but I read a couple of thrillers. Gory stuff." 

"Ergh! Typical kid." She laughed as he grinned at her. "I prefer having a book in my hand. It's all well and good having podcasts or a kindle - but I like the feel of it, and don't you even suggest that I'm a 'book creep'!" 

Jacob laughed at this. "My dad says the same, about having a book in the hand. Mom tries to get him to listen to podcasts and stuff. Well, she did before..." He then trailed off suddenly and looked a little cautious. 

"Before you moved here?" 

"Yeah...before that..." 

It didn't sound convincing to Odette but she settled herself in the chair across from him and took the essay. "How about you get started? I'll grade this for you now if you want?" 

"Could you? I need to prove to dad I'm trying." 

"I'm sure that he already knows..." her eyes flickered up to rest on the Barber boy, who was glaring at the paper. "You seem like you have a lot on your mind Jacob?"

He was silent for a moment. "It's just...crap..." 

She put the paper down and gave him her full attention. "The work or..." 

"No. Everything. It just sucks..." 

Reaching over, Odette took the pen from his hand and closed the lid of the MacBook. "You can talk to me you know. I know I'm probably seen as a complete witch at school - but I am concerned for you Jacob. Your dad mentioned that you and your mother aren't getting along lately." 

He shook his head. "She hates me. My mom and dad think I'm stupid enough to believe their marriage is actually ok when it's really not. They argue all the time now. They think I can't hear but I can. Especially if mom goes off at him about me, which is always. They're only staying together because of me."

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