Chapter 20

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Odette's childhood home was somewhere that Andy knew she had been well cared for and had spent many happy years growing up.

Eleanor and Henry had lived there since they had married and the manor sat just down a private road outside of the actual village of Corfe Castle.

The village itself was small, with the Steam railway running adjacent to it. The castle sat on a very large hill. The romantic ruins being the first thing that you saw rising up from behind The Greyhound pub as you drove in towards it.
Looming over the village, it was hard to miss, however Odette had been right in saying that it was an unbelievable sight.

 Looming over the village, it was hard to miss, however Odette had been right in saying that it was an unbelievable sight

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"That is awesome..." Jacob's mouth had dropped open upon first seeing it, and was even more impressed when he laid eyes on his new grandparents home. "I seriously can't believe you grew up in a place like this, it's like some kinda Downton Abbey".

"You've never even watched Downton Abbey". Andy snorted

"No but I guess that's what I think every rich people's home looks like". Jacob shrugged as Eleanor flung the door open and began to jog down the driveway towards them.

"Jacob!" she called in a shrill voice, "oh do hurry up Henry!" Then shouting back at her husband from over her shoulder. "Come heeeere!" Holding her arms out she gave Jacob a massive hug.

He winced as she almost crushed him. "Too tight Gram!"

"Etta, look at you!" She stood back to admire her daughter, "let me see the ring" and yanking Odette's hand towards her and looking at the ring. Her hand flew to her chest. "Oh it's just beautiful!"

"Have I put on weight mother?" Odette smirked, knowing she could make her other feel guilty for the comment that she'd made last time.

"Oh stop! You look wonderful darling". Eleanor scoffed and embraced her daughter before quietly saying to her, "you're pregnant aren't you? I just know it!"

Odette rolled her eyes, "stop mum, really". Thankfully Andy was currently engaged in conversation with her father so he'd heard none of it, and Odette quickly decided now was the time to say hello to Henry before her mother could go on at her any more.

"Hello Etta." Henry now gave her a kiss and a hug. "Now, we have the tea all ready, you must be tired".

"Jet lags gonna kick our ass". Jacob said and then corrected himself as Andy threw him a look. "I mean, our butts".

Eleanor chuckled and ushered them all inside. "Come along, looks like it may rain soon".

"Nothing like rain to welcome me home" Odette replied and linked her arm through Andy's, leading him in.

"Gram your house is so cool". Jacob said later that afternoon as he came down from unpacking and ultimately exploring.

She patted the space next to her on the sofa and he sat down. "Now, did you see the castle as you came in".

"Bit hard to miss, but it looks awesome, can we go up there later?" He asked.

Eleanor chuckled. "Well I fancy a walk, how about we go now if you're not too tired? Andrew, Etta? Would you like to come?"

Odette yawned, "I'd like a nap if anything, travelling has worn me out a little" and looked to Andy who agreed.

"Well, looks like it's the three of us, you two old bores can stay here and sleep it off". Henry smirked as he got up to grab his jacket. "Come along Jake! We have a castle to climb!" He called from the hallway.

"Old bores" Odette rolled her eyes with a smirk and, after she and Andy had said goodbye to them, headed upstairs.

"Gotta admit the jet lag is making me feel a good ten years older". Andy smirked and pulled her onto him as he lay down on the bed. "Although I know what could wake me up a little more".

Odette grinned and kissed him, feeling him through his jeans, "oh I think you're wiiiide awake Mr Barber".
His hands now ran down her back and pushed her dress up to her waist, her own working at his belt and unzipping his jeans. They fumbled about, clothes shedding from them before he set her down onto him, groaning as he felt her tighten instantly at the sensation.

"That really all it takes sweetheart?" He smirked, then moving with her.

"You know I have stamina Andy..." she panted and picked up the pace, desperate for him to hit the spot that she loved.

He growled into her skin and kept up with her, feeling her cling to him. "Harder..." she moaned. His animalistic urge took over and he lifted her from him, flipping her onto her front and thrusting into her hard from behind.

"That hard enough sweetheart?" She whimpered slightly and he chuckled. Finding a good rhythm and continuing to thrust into her over and over until finally she came shaking underneath him, Andy releasing all he had into her and then catching his breath. "Geez...looks what you do to me".

She rolled onto her back as he lay down next to her. "That was..." she couldn't the words out.

"Yeah..." was all he said and then pulled her into him. "Well you asked for it".

She laughed lightly and snuggled against him. "And I wasn't disappointed either, but now I'm exhausted".

"Better lock your door so we can take a nap then". He grinned and watched her pulled her underwear on, crossing the room and turning the key that was in the lock. Already he was beginning to crave her again, and placed kisses over her chest once she'd laid down next to him again.

He'd spend eternity like this with her if he could.

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