Chapter 21

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Odette sighed as she looked in the bathroom mirror early one morning a few days later. The house was still quiet where everyone else was asleep, but she couldn't. Instead, her curiosity had got the better of her and she'd slipped into the bathroom while Andy was still asleep and now began to pace.

She'd suspected something before they'd left Colorado, but had tried to push it to the back of her mind. Her mother's questions had only made her spurn herself on to see whether her suspicions could be confirmed.

"Etta...are you sure you're not pregnant..." Eleanor had taken her to one side the previous evening as she washed up. "I just think you look a little...different?"

"Oh my god mum! Seriously?" Odette sighed as she slammed the tea towel down. "How different exactly?"

"I can tell, motherly instinct, have you even taken a test?"

Odette rolled her eyes. "No."

"Perhaps you should darling, then you can say to me just how wrong I am".

Looking over at the offending item that sat taunting her on the edge of the bath, she now walked over and picked it up. "Oh my god..." she breathed, seeing the result.

She perched on the edge of the bath and stared in shock at it, one hand flying to her mouth to silence the small sob that wanted to escape her mouth. Even if she'd had a feeling, just confirming it didn't feel real.

They were having a baby...

The knock on the door and Andy's voice made her jump. "Etta? You alright in there?"


"Y-yeah!" She stumbled back and now looked for somewhere to hide the test.

"Etta?" His voice was now filled with concern. "Open the door..." Odette opened the door and looked at him. "Are you ok?" he asked and then his eyes fell on what she had in her hand.

She smiled weakly at him. "I'm pregnant..."

He blinked. "What?"

"Look..." and passed him the test.

Andy took it from her and stared at it. It was positive... " least I can say my balls work". He grinned and kissed her. "Your mom is gonna freak out".

Odette half laughed and now half cried. "I know...and she pretty much had a inkling that I was just as much as I did".

He was in a complete daze. He'd had the same kind of feeling when he and Laurie had found out they were pregnant with Jake. Now it hit him...

This was technically his first biological child...

"You are amazing, you know that". He kissed her gently, "God, I love you".

She laughed, now trying to come to terms with the news. "We have to tell my parents, I can't keep this from them the whole time we're here".

"Then let's tell them tonight, see whether they notice if we drop hints".

"Good idea". Odette sighed happily and stared at the test once more. "I think I should take another one later, just to make sure..."

Andy nodded in agreement and then pulled her back to bed as it was still early, placing a kiss on her abdomen before he pulled her close, one arm wrapped around her protectively.

Things were looking up.


"Seriously Andrew, the beef that they serve here is just irresistible". Eleanor was saying as Odette came back from the pub toilets settling herself down across from her mother and next to Andy.

"Oh god is she banging on about the roast dinner again". She smirked and took a sip of juice, something her mother hadn't noticed as opposed to the usual wine she drank whenever they went out.

Strike one.

"But you've tried it dear! It's wonderful!" Eleanor said. Odette shrugged, gently squeezing Andy's leg under the table. "More wine Andrew?"

"Allow me". Andy said, refilling Eleanor's glass whilst Henry rolled his eyes.

"Your mother's on the piss again". Henry shook his head as he looked to Odette

"Henry! Jacob is here!"

Jake smirked. "I've heard worse."

"Unfortunately he has". Andy agreed, not really wanting to relive the memories of the most stressful time of their lives. He put the wine bottle back on the table.

Henry took it, "Etta? Do you want some?"

"No thanks, cutting back".

The comment went over his head however Eleanor's head whipped up and eyed her. "That's not like you dear?"

Andy smirked, "'s not..."

Eleanor looked at the pair of them, head looking from one to the other. "You two are up to something..." and then it hit her. "Does this mean you're going to start trying!"

Henry groaned. "Oh god, not this again - leave them alone woman!"

"I want grandchildren before I snuff it Henry!"

"Yes, however Andy and Etta may not want them just yet".

Odette sucked her teeth. "Erm...yeah...well, it's a bit late for that..."

Eleanor was stunned into silence for a moment or two, "Wait...are you..." she looked from one to the other again, both Andy and Odette nodding.

"I did three, all came back positive".

"No way!" Jake's mouth fell open at the news.

At this point Eleanor burst into tears while Henry grinned and got up to shake Andy's hand, and embrace his daughter. "Congratulations you two, I think that's the most silent I've heard your mother since I married her."

Eleanor now pushed him out of the way so as she could hug her daughter, "Oh you little moo! You've been keeping this from me haven't you?"

She nodded. "I kind of had a feeling before we left Colorado, but I wanted to wait and see. Then you started going on about how I looked different and had a sense so I thought I'd see whether we were both right".

Andy sat back down and looked at Jake. "You ok buddy?"

Jacob nodded. "Yeah I' is awesome". He shook his head in disbelief and sipped his soda.

"Probably a bit of shock for you as well, but we weren't exactly sure how we wanted to tell you"

He smiled. "Dad, it's ok - I'm excited actually".

"You sure?"

"I'd have told you if I wasn't" Jacob smirked. "Anyway, every time I used to ask mom for a brother or sister she'd just tell me no".

"Yeah well your mom liked to cause disappointment, and I think we've had enough of that as well as talking about her". Andy replied. "Let's focus on getting ourselves back on track".

Jacob frowned. "Isn't that what we've been doing?"

"Yeah..." Andy replied with a nod. "You're is"

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