Chapter 14

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"Miss Winters to the principals office." The announcement came over the speaker system during lunchtime later that morning.
Odette had been dead on her feet, having got home from the hospital at 6am to be in school for 8am.

"You look like shit." Holly had announced as she'd breezed in looking a million dollars like always, and there she was trying to keep her eyes open and now fall asleep over her desk.

"I feel it." Odette sighed, gesturing for Holly to close the door. "Something happened last night and it's making me question my future here."

Holly perched on the edge of the desk. "What? Why?"

Odette contemplated not telling her but knew that she would have to. "Jacob Barber was involved in an car accident with his mother last night..."

"Shit! Are they ok? Was the dad with them?"

"No...Andy he..." she saw Holly face. "Andy and me? It's just been a flirtation up until last week- turns out his wife's lied to him through the marriage. Jacob's not his. We've been growing close since I started tutoring Jake and..." she trailed off. "I'm so dead if the old crone finds out about us." Referring to the principal by the nickname Holly had dubbed her with. 

" and DILF dad are like, together?" Odette nodded. "Well fuck!" Holly smirked, "what's he like in bed? Is he, y'know, well endowed?"

Odette rolled her eyes, "I'm not about to talk about that now now - but Jacob's gonna be ok, doctor says there's a good chance he won't be affected by the accident, he's got a pretty nasty head injury so it could be all that he has trouble with. They're going to do a scan today."

"Poor kid, seems like he's been through it."

"You don't know the half of it." Odette sighed as the bell went. "See you at lunch."

Now she found herself being summoned to the 'old crone's' office, knocking on the door and hearing the principal tell her to come in.

"Ah Odette, take a seat." The older woman said and gestured to the chair across her desk.
Once she was seated, the principal spoke. "I'm gathering you heard the news about Jacob Barber and his mother?"

Odette nodded, "I did, tragic really - that poor boy."

"Indeed. I had an email come through this morning from Mrs Barber actually...sent yesterday afternoon- it concerns you..."

"I see?"

"And her husband." The principal eyed her suspiciously. "She stated that Mr Barber and yourself are or have been engaging in an affair."

Oh shit. How the hell did she even know that Andy had been staying with her? Had she followed him one day? Apparently so as now the principal confirmed this by reading the email that Laurie had seemed to send as a final 'fuck you' to her husband and to Odette.

"Is this true Odette? That you have been seeing a parent?"

Odette shook her head. "We weren't seeing one another. I was tutoring Jacob and the only time I saw Mr Barber was when he collected him. He's simply been staying at mine as he and Mrs Barber separated just last week."

"Which she claims was partially because of your affair."

"I never had an affair. I never did anything like that while he was married! I know the rules!"

"And yet he's staying with you? There's something."

"I'll admit now there is..." Odette stated, "the Barbers separated due to her lying. Jacob is not his son. This is how it all started - she's obviously followed him, seen him staying with me and used me as the main excuse! But I won't deny there's something now that's happened within the last week or so, and I will respectfully resign from my position here."

The principal nodded. "As you should. I'm disappointed in you Odette, you are a good teacher however this conduct, and I don't care when it started, is unacceptable. Now I shall say nothing to your colleagues about the matter and will of course provide you with references for another job, but there is nothing else I have to say."

"Thank you - however my duty is now taking care of Jacob." She got up and looked at the older woman. "I don't regret anything - I would resign for that boy and Andy a thousand times over if it meant being with them. I'll go pack up my stuff and see myself out."

Then she walked out, down the hall and to the class where she grabbed her bag and essentials she would need. 

Holly rushed in, "Etta? What the fuck?"

"Keep in touch and make sure you don't shag any parents, otherwise this will happen." Odette smirked.

"How the hell did she find out that quick?"

"Laurie fucking Barber in one last act sent her an email about me and Andy. So I reigned there and then. At least if I do end up at another school then I won't have the problem of having to hide my relationship."

Holly threw her arms around her, "What about the kids? Aren't you going to say goodbye?"

"I'd rather go quietly. It'll all be gossip anyway if they eventually find out - which I'm sure they will. Look I'll see you soon, keep in touch ok? We can meet for coffee or something."

Holly walked out with her to the parking lot and hugged her once more. "You know what? You're doing the right thing, choosing him..."

"Let's hope other people think so too."

She was going to have to tell her parents about all of this and they'd also be disappointed, however Odette hoped that they wouldn't judge Andy or Jacob because of it. They were due to visit within the next couple of months so she would have to make them aware of the situation.

Andy was at home when she walked in and frowned on seeing her box of belongings. "What happened?" Odette then launched into everything, Andy listening and becoming more angered by the minute. "That bitch..." he finally said and embraced her. "I'm sorry sweetheart..."

"It was her last middle finger to me and you - but I'm not hurt by it, it'll give me some time to help Jacob back on his feet, at least until I find a position elsewhere."

He kissed her head, "I just came back to have a shower, then I'm gonna head back to see him - you gonna come?"

"Of course." Odette smiled, "how's he doing? Did they do his scan this morning?"

Andy nodded. "Yeah, could be a case of being forgetful from time to time - more prominent migraines and headaches but he'll get there eventually. I'm just glad that he's gonna be okay. I don't know what I'd have done if I had lost him."

"Me too." She kissed him gently, "it's going to work out, isn't it? For us? We're going to be ok? It's just...Laurie was your wife and now she's gone..."

"Let me deal with how I feel about that. It's hard and confusing, I'm not gonna lie and I would never lie to you Etta, know that now."

She nodded. "I know, and I wouldn't to you..."

He kept her close to him. "Let's sort ourselves out and go back to Jake."

Yes. Jacob was their main priority now and would be for the foreseeable.It was a confusing and emotional time for both him and Andy and there were bound to be ups and downs.

Odette promised herself there and then that she would try her hardest when it came to the pair of them.

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