Chapter 17

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Eleanor and Henry Winters were exactly as Andy had imagined them to be. Refined and rather middle class, yet they were good natured and just as caring as their daughter. From the moment that they had arrived, they had immediately taken to Jacob, who had stood quietly but greeted them, politely answering their questions. Then when it had come to Andy, he was sure that Eleanor was about to faint from excitement.

"My goodness she chose well". The older woman fanned herself, "It's wonderful to meet you at last Andrew".

Odette had simply winked at him and then took her parents bags through to the guest room, while Andy showed them outside to the back yard and brought them coffee out.

"So...finally we meet the man who has our daughter all hot and bothered!" Eleanor said once they were comfortable.

Andy let out a small laugh, seeing that Jacob was smirking out of the corner of his eye. "Er, yeah I guess you could put it that way".

"Muuuum" Odette rolled her eyes as she came out with a plate of biscuits and some cakes. "Seriously? You're embarrassing Andy". She grinned as she put her hands on his shoulders and gave them a soft reassuring squeeze.

Eleanor scoffed, "oh he knows I'm only playing! Anyway, it's this young man who is also a handsome one".

Jacob smiled and pursed his lips. "Erm...thank you"

"Mum, have you been drinking the in flight alcohol again?"

Henry nodded, "she has - ouch!" He confirmed but then received a light backhanded slap across his chest. "You had some too!"

"I don't do very well on planes Andrew, which is ironic considering we have businesses overseas and travel". Eleanor explained and sipped her coffee.

"Always a bloody nightmare this one" Henry shook his head in disappointment, "typical our daughter chooses to work here".

Odette, hand on Andy's thigh tightened its grip slightly. "Yeah well that was my choice". She said and poured her and Andy some coffee. "I've been telling Jacob all about Corfe, he's really interested in the castle".

Eleanor's face lit up. "Oh! Yes it's very beautiful, undergoes some restoration every now and then to make sure that the structure won't crumble more, but on a hot, sunny it's lovely to just sit there and enjoy the view". She told him, "have you been to England before?"

"Nope, I think it'd be cool to go one day. Odette said she'd take me". His face then changed, "oh, wait what time is it?"

Andy looked at his watch. "Med time"

"Which ones are they again?"

"Pinks". Odette answered automatically before Andy even had a chance.

He smirked, "what she said bud".

Jacob pushed his chair back and got up. "Be right back".

Eleanor and Henry watched him retreat and then looked to Andy. "He's such a lovely boy. You've raised him well". 

Andy nodded. "I'd like to think so, I'm guessing Etta's filled you in about everything that's happened?" 

"Oh yes, and we won't mention it. How is he doing though? Now he's having his therapy?" Eleanor smiled kindly. 

Odette and Andy looked to one another and then back at her parents, "Yeah...he's getting there - it's a lot for him, I don't know whether he now feels disconnected from me because I'm not his dad, but the dynamic has kinda changed. It's something we've both gotta come to terms with". 

Odette glanced to him and squeezed his hand. "It's gonna take time, there's been a lot of changes and I'm homeschooling Jake just until he's well enough to return to school. It shouldn't be too long though, he's eager to get back too - we just need the okay from the doctor". 

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