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"I really must get going now, I promise I will be ok. James and Sirius will be with me" remus speaks keeping his arms wrapped around me

"Ok, I will see you tomorrow" I lean up and give him a soft kiss

The three boys leaves the common through under James' invisibility cloak and I turn on the spot bidding my farewells to Lily who wishes me good luck.

She worked out what I was planning to do this afternoon but like the wonderful person that she is promised to keep quiet about it. I arrive at mcGonagall's office and take a seat at one of the chairs by her fireplace which is currently burning away creating a comfortable heat in the room.

"Right here you go" She announces handing me the small plate as she sits down opposite me too.

I take the leaf from the plate and place it in my mouth under my tongue. Once it is in place I keep my mouth open to McGonagall who points her wand and mutters a spell that will help it to stay in place.

"That will help, remember to try not and laugh too loudly or anything which can help with exposing it's there"

"I won't, will we be meeting at the same time next month?"

"Yes, 7th floor corridor remember"

"Thank you, have a good evening Professor"

"You too, try not to worry too much"

I give her a small smile and exit the office making my way through the corridor and going back to the common room. I have no poblem with waiting the month, but I do if the next stage waiting for the storm takes forever. It's going to be difficult to have to disapear each sunset at the exact same time to do the incarnation, the sunrise will be easy though.

1 Month later

"And this room can become anything you want it to be?"


"Why am I only now finding out about it? I could've shoved James and Sirius in here when they was being annoying"

McGonagall lets out a laugh as she walks more into the room "This is where the potion will be kept, we will come back here on the storm which luckily for you is forecasted to be in 4 days."

"What if someone else uses this room?"

"They will not find it. Right here is the potion you only need to add some of your hair"

"How many strands?"


I pull the correct amount of strands out of my head and fold them up so they will fit into the phial and McGonagall caps it and immedietly places it into a box which goes inside another box and placed on the shelf in a dark corner where she then casts Silencio on the bookcase.

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now