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I took Lily's advice and the past 5 and a half months have been the best. Alice has become my 2nd best friend and the three of us even managed to prank the Marauders which was the best thing ever. Sirius was really annoyed with having his pink hair for an entire week. 

Last month we had a big test in Charms and when the results were being given out I saw Remus looking and smirking because he knew I was going to get a low score. I proved him wrong though when I was excited and loudly announced to Lily and Alice that I got 100%. 

James and Sirius continued to try and make Remus talk to me again, even Lily tried but he still wasn't budging and remaining to be stubborn. It hurts but I always pushed it away when I was feeling sad about the situation. 

"You will be paired up for this potion, I will be pairing you up through" Slughorn announces 

"Remus you will be with Emily"

Great, just great. Lily got paired with James so she wishes me good luck and leaves our table, Remus replacing her. 

"I'll get the ingredients" I speak and walk off to grab the required ingredients for the Felix Felicis potion. I'm gonna need good luck to make this potion not be stuck making it.

Seeing as we were the last to tidy up, no thanks to Remus for that. This resulted in us being the last to leave the classroom and the corridor being empty due to everyone already being in the Great Hall having lunch. 

"I'm sorry" Remus speaks breaking the silence between us 

"For what?" I ask as I stop to look at him 

"For everything. I overreacted and I shouldn't have been mean to you."

"You really hurt my Remus, especially your comments about Charms"

"I know and I truly am sorry" 

"Why did you do it?"

"I don't know. I realised I overreacted after a month but I couldn't admit it to you. I was scared that you wouldn't want to talk to me again. I thought it would be like what happened between Lily and Snape" 

"Snape called her a Mudblood, that was different to a chocolate frog" 

"James and Sirius and even Lily on times said I should talk to you but I thought they were joking and playing a prank and if I did you would be mad at me" 

"I wouldn't have been mad. I missed you and it hurt to not talk to you"

"I missed you too, the truth is us being separated made me realise how much I like you" 

I look at him confused "So you didn't like me much before? I thought we were best friends"

He lets out a chuckle and steps closer to me "No silly, of course, I like you I mean I like like you" 

"Are you being serious or is this prank?"

"You know I would never prank you" 

"How can I be so sure? You haven't spoken to me in months and when you have it hasn't been nice"

He leans in and places his lips on mine, I freeze with shock but after a few seconds, I kiss him back. 

"Now are you sure?" He asks as he pulls away 

"Yes" I smile and hug him tightly "I like like you too" 

We both continue walking to the Great Hall where we then take a seat next to each other opposite James and Sirius 

"Are you two friends again?" Lily asks 

"Umm yeah. Something like that" Remus replies as he starts to put food on his plate

Sirius and James grin at each other and Lily raise her eyebrow at me where I just nod my head yes now also starting to put food on my plate. 

"James, our baby is all grown up. He's got himself a little girlfriend. This is too emotional. My baby boy is going to leave me" Sirius speaks all emotional whilst putting on a female voice and hugs James pretending to cry into his neck 

"You're so annoying you know that right?" I laugh 

"Not as annoying as you two not talking for the past god knows however months" He replies 

We both ignore him as we eat our food then I start a conversation with Lily about the summer holidays which is only just around the corner. 

"Aww look at them" James speaks whilst me and Remus holds hand for the walk to the common room

"They're so cute" Sirius replies 

"You both have hard names to combine, I need to think of a good name for you both" Lily speaks 

I turn my head to look at Lily who's walking behind me with James and Sirius giving her a glare "Don't join in with them"

" remly,  emus, rememily" Sirius lists off 

I shake my head in disbelief and we reach the common room finally where I decide to do my homework for the rest of the evening which Remus helps me with even though I'm good at charms now. 

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