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I smile as I finish reading the card from my parents. It's my birthday today and they got me some coloured ink, chocolate frogs and 5 various records along with some money. 

"Happy Birthday Emily" Lily smiles handing me a dark purple package wrapped in a silver ribbon. 

"Thank you" I smile and unwrap the paper revealing a white and baby pink flower crown, some rose and blossom smelling body mist along with a cauldron cake. 

"I and James went halves," Sirius says as he hands me a poorly wrapped gift 

"Thanks" I smile at them both, they got me a candle that smells like chocolate and a Gryffindor themed flag.

"Happy Birthday" Remus smiles pulling me onto his lap 

"Thank you" I smile and kiss him 

"I got you this" He hands me a black box and I open it seeing the most beautiful necklace I have seen. It's a silver treble clef and a heart merged together with blue crystals inside it.

"It's so beautiful. Thank you" I hug him and he takes the necklace from me and puts it on me. 

"Remus you did good my boy" James smiles 

"I love it so much" I smile as I gather all of my presents and quickly take them upstairs then I get changed into my robes and we go to get breakfast 

"Wait wait wait" Sirius speaks taking my fork off me

I look at him confused then he grabs his wand from the table and makes the eggs on my plate go into a flower shape and some candles appear on it. 

"Aren't candles for cake?" Remus asks 

"Well this is my other present" 

"Thanks Sirius" I chuckle before blowing the candle out and finally begin to eat my food. 


"Happy Birthday to you" Everyone around me finishes singing

"Well that was embarrassing" I mumble 

James and Sirius finally got a cake for the candles during dinner, They decided to not only sing Happy Birthday loudly but also make it so party streamers will go off above me. 

I hate being the center of attention yet they just made me centre of attention in front of the entire school. 

"Would you like to go for a walk?" Remus asks me as we walk out of the Great Hall leaving them all there to tidy their mess. 

"I'd love to" I smile 

We make our way outside and find a small clearing where we decide to take a seat. I rest my head on Remus's shoulder and watch the stars as he has his arm wrapped around me. 

"Did you know that the light from stars takes millions of years to reach Earth, therefore when you look at the stars you are literally looking back in time."

"Yes Remus, you told me that fact last time we were watching the stars" 

"Oh, what about that they only appear to twinkle due to turbulences in the Earth's atmosphere deflecting the light that reaches our eyes."

"due to turbulences in the Earth's atmosphere deflecting the light that reaches our eyes." I say at the same time as him 


"I think you have told me every fact there is to know about the stars sweetheart" 

"Well, how was your Birthday?"

"It was good thank you"

"I'm glad you liked it" 

I lean my head up and smile at Remus "Thank you for my necklace"

"You're welcome" He smiles back and leans down planting his lips on mine  

"Stop. I'm too young to be an uncle"

We pull away seeing James, Sirius and Lily walking towards us. Sirius obviously being the one to talk 

"It was only a kiss, you don't pregnant from kissing and you know that otherwise, you wouldn't have kissed 80% of this school" Lily replies 

"Do we need to discuss the birds and the bees with you?" James asks him 

"No, I'm good thanks" 

I roll my eyes and snuggle into Remus as they all take a seat by us  

"I don't get it. It's just some stars" Sirius speaks as he looks up into the sky 

"There is a lot more than some. It's fun and relaxing" I answer 

"If you say so"

Time Skip

"I'm nice and relaxed, I just know it's going to be a good night sleep tonight" Sirius speaks whilst yawning as we enter the Common Room

"Well Emily did say it was relaxing" Remus laughs 

"Fine Emily the secret Ravenclaw was right again"

"Goodnight everyone" I speak and hugs Remus giving him a kiss then me and Lily go to the dormitory and get ready for bed where just like Sirius I have a good night's sleep. 

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now