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"How do I look?" Lily asks whilst looking in the mirror

"You look great, besides this is James he'd think you look beautiful in a bin bag" I chuckle

"Am I making the right decision?" She asks turning around and sitting on the edge of my bed

"James has been trying to get this date since 1st year, I don't think he'll do anything to ruin it. Besides if it doesn't go well or you're not feeling it then he'll back away and leave you alone"

"That's true. Well I better get going" She smiles

I smile back and follow her downstairs where we hear James making Sirius promise not to hunt down the invisibility cloak.

"I promise Prongs now off you go. Have fun, remember no coming back pregnant or married. I'm too young to be an uncle"

I roll my eyes and take a seat next to Remus.

"James has banned Sirius from being near the 3 broomsticks" Remus explains

"But he hasn't banned us?"


"Great, come on then guys" I smile standing up

"Where are we going?"

"Honeydukes, I need more chocolate frogs and then we'll get some cake from Madam Puddifoot's then spy on them"

"Good plan" Sirius smiles also standing up.

"I don't think this is a good idea but fine" Remus adds also standing up

We arrive at my favorite shop full of delicious sweet smells known as Honeydukes. I look around picking up various sweets and chocolate then I go and pay for them. A few minutes later the boys come outside after purchasing their things then we head to the tea room for some cake.

"That was the best cake I have tasted" Sirius smiles whilst wiping his mouth clean from crumbs

"See I said it was good" I comment as we leave

"I suggest the windows, James will probably be watching the door knowing Sirius will turn up" Remus speaks

"Good idea, the back window then"

We walk around to the back of the building and we poke our head up looking around inside.

" 4th table from the fireplace on the left" Remus speaks

"Go James" Sirius cheers as we see him and Lily kissing.

"Ok this is enough spying lets get back to the common room before they do. We can act like we never left"

"Good idea, you can help me do my homework too"

"Sirius, you need to stop asking me and Remus to help you. You're going to fail your owls if you're not properly learning"

"Just help me this last time please"


2hrs later

"You're back" Sirius speaks

I sit up from leaning on Remus and smile at James and Lily who's walkng into the common room hand in hand.

"How did it go?" I ask

"It went great, she's finally said yes"

"You're a couple?" Peter asks


"Congratulations" Remus smiles.

The rest of the afternoon was spent in the common room catching up on homework as somehow we all managed to get a little bit behind this week apart from Sirius, he's always behind.

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now