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"This is just crazy. How can they expect us to remember all of this information?" Alice complains without looking up from the book

"No what's crazy is that James and Sirius are actually revising" Lily responds

We all look to the end of our table seeing them sat across from Frank and Remus all being silent as they read a book. I let out a chuckle as I close the current book I was reading. "I guess they're determined to get a good grade, Sirius will be here reading right up until his exam to achieve that"

"True. Anyway back to me this is just crazy. How on earth am I meant to remember every type of plant when there is hundreds of them"

"That's easy, you're a herbology nerd, you will pass that with outstanding"

"I  better because all this revision is just nastily exhausting"

"It's meant to be, that's what NEWTS stand for" Lily laughs

"Alice you will do fine, try not to worry and over think things."

She gives me a small smile and go back to reading her book. I bury my head in the charms book and write down many notes which I believe will be important to keep re reading later on. Quick notes I believe Remus referred to it as although it doesn't seem quick seeing as for potions alone my quick notes is 13 parchments all of which is double sided.

"Right, I'm hungry I'm going for lunch anyone else coming?" I announce as I close my book and stand up

Everyone ignores me, some mumbling no thanks apart from Remus who stands up announcing he will join me.

"That's a lot of notes" Remus observes as I place my stack of parchments on the table.

"It's my quick notes"

"That's not quick, quick notes is one double sided parchment per a subject. It appears you have a lot of notes or taking a lot of subjects"

"One! I done 13 just for Potions, Transifuation is 8 and don't get me started on Alchemy."

"You only need to write down the important ones"

"it's all important, we don't know what will come up"

"I think you need to take your own advice don't worry and stop overthinking"

I let out a sigh and place some sandwiches on my plate along with potateo salad and coleslaw. "How are you getting along with your revision? I'm sure it's much better than mine with you being a natural bookworm"

"I'm not overthinking it, beisdes you need to focus on the good Emily. You haven't studied at all for Music and only a little for Art. Because you're confident in it. Take on the same confidence for all the other subjects you underestimate yourself"

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now