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"I'm ready" I smile grabbing hold of Remus's hand 

"Great let's go then" He smiles as we make our way down to the train

"Next year is our last year"

"It is"

"It's sad to be leaving, Hogwarts is like my 2nd home. What will happen afterwards? What will happen to us?"

"We get jobs, we'll stay together too. After you"

"Such a gentleman" I smile getting on the train and walking to the usual compartment which everyone else is already sat in. I take a seat next to Lily, Remus sitting the other side of me. 

"What are you doing in the summer?" James asks 

"Not seeing you" Lily replies back quickly 

"Ouch, that's another piece of my heart that you have broken off"

"She's seeing me though" I smirk 

"Don't help her take more pieces Emily" 

"I was only saying that I will be seeing her a few times over the summer. You were the one who asked what we're doing over the summer." 

James decided to not comment back which was good and peaceful. I rest my head on Remus's shoulder as he reads the Daily Prophet but I just watch all the pictures moving instead. Deep down I'm going to miss Remus a lot. I see him every day during term time then I have an entire summer where I still see him but it isn't every day, This summer I know I will miss him more though due to the break we had of not really seeing each other when we weren't talking. My auntie always says that distance makes the hearts grow stronger, I just hope it's the same case for me and Remus. Call me crazy and say I'm rushing into things but I genuinely can't see a future without Remus being by my side. I can't see a future without any of us currently sat in this compartment, except Peter of course. I just want to figure out why I don't like him but honestly, I don't think I ever will. 

Kings Cross

"Promise you'll write to me"

"Of course I will love" Remus smiles as he hugs me back 

"I'm going to miss you"

"I'll miss you too" 

I lean up a little as he leans down meeting me halfway and we share a kiss then we pull away saying goodbye one more time and walking in our separate directions. 

"Did I just see you kissing Remus?" Dad asks once I've approached them 

"You saw that?" I ask shocked 

"Every second of it. We're too young to be grandparents Emily" Mum replies as we leave the platform 

"And I don't want kids yet, I still got one more year at Hogwarts left" 


The journey home was mostly full of me telling them about my time at Hogwarts then when I get home I go to my room to unpack. 

I hope this summer goes by quickly because I'm already missing Hogwarts and my friends.

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now