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The summer of 1977 is the year Emily Smith is preparing to go into her 6th year at Hogwarts, the best years have been the best years of her life. Lily Evans and Alice Prewett becoming her best friends along with Remus Lupin. 

As Emily grew into a teenager she grew a passion for music along with a passion for a certain Gryffindor student who goes by the name of Remus Lupin. Although she won't admit her feelings to anybody, except Lily. 

"Lewis I'm going to hex you into obliviation" The 17-year-old yells as she chases her 6-year-old cousin down the stairs. 

"Woah woah woah, what's going on?" Mr Smith asks as he holds his arm out as a barrier stopping his daughter from pouncing onto his Nephew worse than a Lion would

"He snapped my record"

"Honey he doesn't understand them. We'll buy you a new one" Mrs Smith replies calmly 

"What one was it? If I got it you can have mine" Mr Smith's brother Ryan asks 

"Please Please Me"

"Oh dear" Everyone mumbles under their breath 

Please Please Me is Emily's all time favourite album by The Beatles. If you know Emily you will know that she has come to be obsessed with the muggle band since she got introduced to them in her Muggle Music class. The Christmas of 1973 was and still is by far her favourite Christmas when she unwrapped the square gift revealing the record of Please Please Me. 

"The repair charm?" Rachael, Emily's Aunt asks

"It didn't work, they sound like they're just learning to talk. This is the worst day of my life and it's all his fault" Emily gets louder until she finished her sentence full on shouting and pointing at Lewis who's hiding behind his Mother's legs scared for his life. 

Emily goes back upstairs knowing it's probably best to stay out of the way to calm down and mourn the loss of her favourite record. 

Whilst Emily was framing her now unusable record to hang on the wall Remus was sat in his bedroom listening to all the bands listed in his last letter off Emily. Black Sabbath scared him, Guns N Roses scares him a little. They're too loud but so far he did enjoy The Who, The Rolling Stones, The Clash and currently his 3rd song into the Bee Gees who he has added to his like list. 

Remus's summer hasn't been eventful but he did enjoy Fridays as that was always Emily's letter day where she will catch him up on her week and vice versa.  They saw each other 3 weeks ago where he learnt just how obsessed with muggle band The Beatles she really is, her bedroom was a shrine to mostly them. 

Over the years Remus discovered that he liked Emily more than just a friend, James and Sirius were persistent in trying to get him to tell her his feelings. Remus would never do that though, he was scared that she wouldn't feel the same back and it would damage their friendship and he was scared mostly of the fact he's a werewolf. Emily doesn't know, only the guys and Lily as she was clever enough to work it out. 

The following day he packs all his things for Hogwarts making sure nothing is forgotten, Emily was also doing the same packing her trunk. Both looking forward to returning back to the castle they call home. Both looking forward to seeing their friends and both looking forward to seeing each other again. 

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