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I walk through the courtyard kicking some leaves out of my way until  I get inside and continue my journey to Charms. Halloween is only a few days away and for once I'm not excited. It's been over a month and still nothing off Remus. I go to try and approach him but he walks off so I can't. James and Sirius keep trying but it isn't working. 

I take my seat next to Lily and rest my head on my book until the Professor arrives, can it be bedtime already? This day has dragged on so much. I hear Sirius and James making their grand entrance as usual followed by the Professor telling them to be quiet which is my cue to stop resting my eyes in class before I get detention. 

Halfway through the class I glance at Remus for the 4th time and sigh, I don't even understand what's going on. He always used to help me understand it. 

"You two are cute" Lily whispers 

"What are you on about?"

"You both always steal glances across the class at each other"

"Do not"

"Do too"

"He won't even talk to me. This morning I went to go and approach him to try and speak to him but he took off pretty fast to avoid me. Why is he the one running away? He started this whole thing and wouldn't accept my apology" 

"He's a boy, they're confusing and annoying on times. Just leave him alone and let him come round to you which he will eventually." 

I sigh and nod ok agreeing and I finish writing up my notes. The final class of the day was Defense against the Dark Arts and of course throughout the class, I couldn't help but keep sneaking glances at Remus. 

"Hey Snivellus I hear this is your favourite subject" Sirius speaks up 

"He's probably a death eater as well" James comment, Sirius Peter and surprisingly Remus laughs as well

"Shut up Sirius and leave him alone. Not all Slytherins are bad people and going to become a death eater. Severus has done nothing to you so stop being so mean all the time. In fact, to the outside, it looks like you guys are the Slytherins because you're so mean and that house is known to be mean. Oh, then again Black you're from a Slytherin family so I guess you're just naturally mean anyway. If anyone is going to laugh then shame on you and you're just as bad as them" 

Nobody responds but I do notice Remus looking at me throughout my entire speech until I brought up the fact he was looking. He looked away at that part. 

"Wow, you never stood up for Severus before" Lily speaks quietly 

"There was no need for them to start on him again like that. Remus laughed, how dare he" 

"You only did it so you can basically talk to Remus"

"You're right" 

"Well I'm proud of you" She smiles 

"Thanks" I smile back at her and finally the class begins and drags by slowly but after what felt like 4 hours at least I am back in my dorm putting all my books away and freshning up to go and have dinner. 

I take a seat next to Lily but across from Alice as I haven't spoken to her in a while so it will be nice to have a catch up with her. Once I have eaten enough food I decide to go to the library to find a new book to read as my current one I'm close to finishing and haven't got my next one sorted so that needs to be done asap. 

I was happily browsing through the books until I turn the corner bumping into someone. 

"I'm sorry" I speak as I pick my book up which I dropped 

"Still not thinking of other people I see"

"What is your problem Remus? I said I was sorry, again. You need to grow up because it's pathetic" 

"I hear you're failing charms"

"That's none of your business if you're going to not be nice to me then go away and leave me alone" 

I push my way past him and go to check my book out then I go back to my dormitory where funnily enough I make a start on my Charms homework. 

"Why is this even a question? How am I meant to know how to do the colour changing charm let alone the water making charm and making the water change colour" I slam the book shut and lay back on the bed 

"It's very easily actually" Lily speaks as she looks over at me 

"I struggle with this subject and you know I do"

"You're taking your emotions for Remus out on the homework. What you do is you make the water first and whilst concentrating on it you then cast the colour changing charm so you're producing both charms at the same time" 

I sit back up at her and half smile "Thank you. Did you tell Remus I'm failing Charms?" 

"No, James did in hopes it will make him come to his senses and talk to you again" 

"I bumped into him in the library, literally bumped into him. He made a mean comment" 

She frowns and comes over taking a seat on my bed "Well he's an idoit to still be behaving the way he is. Get on with your life and forget about him. Have fun and he will then realise what he's missing out on because he will see you having fun instead of being sad and not yourself. When he see that you don't care anymore and are getting on with your life he will come around" 

I think it through and smile at her "You're right, thanks Lily" 

"You're welcome now come on and hurry up with that homework cause your light is too bright" 

I let out a chuckle and finish writing my easay before turning it off and climbing under my covers falling asleep feeling better knowing that things will get better. 

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now