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"Don't you two look cute walking down the corridor together" Sirius starts

"Look like a very cute couple" I finish

"Shut up both of you" Lily speaks as her and James walk towards us, their robes bring brighten up with the head boy and girl badges.

I still question how James managed to get this new title but I guess Remus is right and he really is determined to prove to Lily just how good he is.

It's been years, Lily needs to stop playing hard to get.

We reach the common room and I go to get my slippers where once I return I snuggle up to Remus who's sat in front of the fire reading.

"Why is it double potions tomorrow morning? This is torture" Sirius complains

"How do you even know your time table?" I ask confused

"I have my ways"

"You broke into McGonagall's office" Remus comments

"Of course I did"

"She's going to give you detention first thing in the morning"

"No she won't, she will never know I was there"

"We'll see about that"

James and Lily is sat on the sofa opposite me Remus and Sirus talking about their duties as Head Boy and Girl, well James is talking about dates more and still refusing to give up when Lily cuts him off with their new roles in Hogwarts.

"Where's Peter?" Sirius asks

"Probably the kitchen" I mumble whilst reading the page in Remus's book and honestly not really caring where the little rat is. He still creeps me out.

Next Morning

"I have missed Hogwarts food so much" I smile whilst I shove another piece of bacon in my mouth

"Sirius Black"

We all look and see Professor McGonagall stood behind him "Next time you sneak into my office to look at your time table remember to A- Close the door behind you when leaving and B- put yours back in the pile you got it from instead of the top of the pile. Detention at my office lunch time"

She hands him his time table followed by ours then walks off

"I told you she would notice" Remus shrugs

I enter the Potions classroom first taking a seat next to Lily at the closest table we can find.

"He needs to stop staring before I take away points"  Lilly speaks as she turns her book open

I look across the room seeing Severus quickly looking away.

"Lily he really is sorry, I know what he said is hurtful but you should at least accept his sorry. You don't have to be friends with him just be civil"

"Why are you defending him? Do you love him or something" She asks raising her voice a little

"No, you know I don't"

"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap. It's still raw"

"It's fine" I shrug and open my own book as Slughorn walks into the class

Severus called her a mudblood when she tried to stop James from bullying him in 5th year. Severus didn't mean to and instantly regretted it as soon as the word left his mouth. It was a heat of the moment situation.

They was best friends, it's a shame that it's gone down the drain. Maybe if Severus wasn't in Slytherin it would've been different. Why couldn't the sorting hat make it so Peter and Severus was the other way round?

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now