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"Are you sure you got everything from our house?"

"Yes mum I got everything"

"Ok, contact me if there is anything you need"

"Ok mum"

She hugs me for the 100th time and then she finally leaves with Dad, It's been one week since leaving Hogwarts but it's been a fun week. I and Remus have got our own house and I love it. 

"This is the best, I now declare this being my seat" Sirius speaks as he swings on the seat 

"Sirius stop swinging so fast I don't want you breaking it" I speak as I take a seat on Remus' lap 

James, Lily, and Sirius have come around to see the new house. Peter was busy which I'm glad about because frankly, I don't want him here. He doesn't even know the address either which is good because much to Remus' annoyance I still don't trust the person. One day I will be proven right and I cannot wait for that day to arrive.

"Well, now the parents are gone let's crack this open" James smirks as he pulls a bottle of fire whiskey from the side of the sofa.

I roll my eyes but tell him which cupboard has the glasses. He returns with 5 glasses and purs the drink evenly.

"So Remus, how's the pink bedding?"

"Shut up Lily" Remus responds in a bored yet playful tone as the evening arrives we all order a Chinese take-out and have a chilled evening whilst Sirius talks about some latest woman he is crushing on.

By 11 pm they have left and Remus locks the door before coming upstairs where I am already in bed after brushing my teeth and tying my hair into a plait.

"So this Lisa woman Sirius was on about, what do you think?"

"Nothing will come of it as usual" Remus chuckles before going into the bathroom to brush his teeth.

"One day something will come from it though"

After a silent few minutes, Remus enters the bedroom and climbs into bed "Not anytime soon though."

We both talk for a further 20 minutes before going to bed where tomorrow is a new day for the rest of our lives, being full-grown adults with no Hogwarts to hide behind.

It's the first day of the rest of our lives.

Expectations vs reality are very far apart, and I have this morning to prove it. The expectation got painted by Lily to be waking up to the sun shining and birds chirping outside, the smell of pancakes being cooked downstairs filling your nostrils. Walking downstairs half asleep to find a cute little breakfast set up whilst your boyfriend is cooking pancakes.

I woke up to a thunderstorm and the smell of burning. Walking downstairs quickly far from being half asleep to find the kitchen a complete mess and my Boyfriend stressing out.

"Remus, just calm down" I mutter as I grab his wand from the countertop and managed to clean the entire room

"Why are you awake? I was going to treat you to breakfast in bed"

"Breakfast would've been served in the afterlife if you continued cooking" I laugh as I grab the pancake mix and start to make the food myself.

"I'm sorry"

"It's fine, let's just avoid pancake cooking in the future" I smirk

He rolls his eyes and plants a kiss on my cheek as he makes the coffee without any issues.

Just wait until I see Lily and tell her how awful her expectation painting turned out to be. Today is our first day in our own home and Remus has nearly managed to burn the place down, we're off to a great start.

Apart from the small mishap at breakfast, the day was very productive, we are all unpacked and the only thing to go wrong was the bookcase drama. Remus got into a tantrum over the way I organised the books, I liked to put all the ones I read a lot on a shelf with easy access whereas Remus insisted they had to be in alphabetical order. I then proceeded to tell him we will have half of the bookcase each and it can be in whatever order we wanted then.

That was the case until I went to unpack things in the kitchen and came back to see the bookcase is back to being mixed and in his order. we were sneakily changing it back which made the entire situation become a remake of the muggle film Sleeping Beauty when Flora and Merryweather were switching the dress between pink and blue.

I gave up having a toddler in the room so Remus got his own way. In fact, we ended up spending the evening watching Sleeping Beauty.

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now