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"Em, come down to the common room there's a surprise for you" Lily smiles from the doorway. 

I close my book and follow her downstairs. "What is it?" I ask

"You have to wait and see"

I turn the corner once we've reached the bottom and I stop dead in my tracks staring towards the fireplace wide-eyed.

"Lily, I think I'm dreaming"

"You're not"

"But that's The Beatles. They broke up a few years ago, Why would they be here? They're Muggles"

"They agreed to do this and they will be obliviated upon their departure. "

"why haven't they spoken and only waved at me then?"

"Well if you were a muggle in a wizarding world you'd be speechless to"

"That's true" I hug them all but John smells oddly familiar to Remus. Strange, he must've tried the chocolate frogs

"They agreed to play a song for you too" Lily smiles directly at Paul

"Umm ok, wow. There are so many songs to pick from and they're all my favourite. It has to be Hello, Goodbye."

"Great choice" Lily smiles and waves her wand making the instruments arrive.

"You say yes, I say no"

I burst out laughing and grab my wand out and making the true identities be revealed.

"That was such a mean prank" I pout

"Hey, we looked like them" James smiles

"Yeah until Sirius tried singing and sounded nothing like Paul"

"Remus yours didn't fully work as you still smelled like chocolates"

"Beards are so irritating" He chuckles and hugs me kissing my head

"Lily and you knew about this?"

"Yeah of course I did"

"I can't believe you finally got involved with a prank. Now I think Sirius needs to hear what he really was meant to sound like" I smile and go over to the record player and summon my vinyl

"I sounded just like that?" Sirius complains as the music fills the room

"You did not" Me and Lily laughs

Near the ending where you get that Hawaiian feel James and Sirius decide to dance around pretending to be Hula Girls.

"What on earth are you two doing?"

We turn around and see McGonagall stood there trying to look professional but she can't help but let a small laugh out. 

"Ah McGonagall you're laughing, therefore you find it funny and can't give us detention" Sirius explains 

"Just this once, it is late so playing loud music is not permitted. I suggest you all go to bed as you don't want to be late for Transfiguration in the morning otherwise you will be in detention"

I take the record off the player and say goodnight to everyone before running upstairs.  

Next Day

I wake up looking around confused as Lily didn't wake me up. I sit up and notice I'm alone, great so I'm late for class. I go to quickly have a shower and get dressed using magic to dry my hair only to then sit on my bed as I remember it's Saturday. I get changed into non-uniform clothing and I make my way downstairs. 

"You're finally awake. We thought you died in your sleep" Sirius speaks 

"Well, thanks for being concerned. If I was dead  you didn't come to check did you"

He decides to not reply to me and I take my seat next to Remus cuddling up to him

"Don't tell me you're still tired" He laughs before kissing my head 

"No, I just want to cuddle you. What are you reading?"

He moves his arm around me and lowers the book so I can read it as well. 

"Wait Remus, I'm still reading it"

"Where are you?"

"Right here?" I say whilst pointing

"Get your own copy that's half a page"

"Fine read it yourself" I move down and rest my head on his lap closing my eyes 

"Thought you weren't tired"

"You won't wait for me to finish reading so I'm going to just nap instead"

I sleep until it's time for lunch and then after lunch, I decide to do the little bit of homework I have then me and Lily go to spend some time with Alice outside leaving the boys to do whatever pranks it is they want to do. 

Alice has a huge crush on Frank and I think it's adorable, even if she won't do anything about it. I know Frank likes her back because he looks at her like how James looks at Lily. 

Lily doesn't like him back though, well not that I'm aware of anyway. I do think it's cute how James is still pestering her, he's determined that's for sure. Maybe one day he will get her, I hope he does. James and Lily has a nice ring to it. 

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now