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"Do you know the address?" I ask Remus as I place my cardigan on

"Yes, are you ready?"

I nod yes and take hold of his arm as we apparate and end up in someone's back garden.

I look around confused but I notice Sirius through the window so know we have arrived at the right location.

We go through the back door where Dumbledore is casually standing in the kitchen eating cheese bites.

"Ah Remus, Emily. How are you?"

"Good thanks you?" I smile

"Good, go on through, the meeting should be starting soon"

We enter the dining room which is full of many faces, most of which I don't recognize.

"They're all insane I'm telling you"

I look to the left knowing that voice and navigate my way through finding Alice and Frank talking to some people

"Emily!" Alice smiles hugging me "How's the house?"

"It's good, how are you? Who's insane?"

"Death eaters. They tried to recruit us the other day. We told them where to go"

"I hope you didn't annoy them"

"Me annoying them? I don't know where you would get such an idea" she laughs pulling away.

We all take a seat at the table as the meeting begins. Dumbledore announces the names of the new members including myself and Remus.

"The Prewett brothers are the latest known wizards to be killed" Dumbledore speaks

"They fought bravely, two against 5 and they managed to keep it up for a good while" Alastair Moody adds on

"The Prewetts?" Remus asks

"You know the Weasleys, just added two more boys to their bunch. Mrs Weasley is their sister" James speaks

"And are they joining us?" I ask

"You got to be kidding me, 5 children under the age of 10. Twins who are a few months old. They're unable to help us even if they wanted" Aberforth responds

I remain quiet as Dumbledore informs us of more death eater activity going on around the country until I notice across the table Peter is concentrating. I've never seen him concentrate in any classes at Hogwarts. In fact, the only time I saw him concentrating was in 3rd year when he was trying to win the eating competition against James and Sirius.

I decide to not bother trying to work him out and I look back toward Moody who's telling us about the attack last week in London.

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⏰ Last updated: May 20, 2023 ⏰

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