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Emily's POV;

All the compartments are filling up pretty quickly and it's been a good 20 minutes since we left the station, Did they put on enough carriages?

I notice the trolley lady is a little further ahead of me so I make the decision to buy some chocolate and then I'll find somewhere to stay.

"Hello dear, anything off the trolley?" The older woman probably a few years younger than my Gran smiles at me.

"Hi, can I have some chocolate frogs please?" I smile politely back at her

"There's only two left, would you like them both "

"Yes please"

I exchange some galleons for Chocolate frogs, best decision of the day. If it involves chocolate any decision is a good decision because let's be honest here, chocolate is amazing. Whoever invented chocolate is my hero.

"Oh, is there any other chocolates?"

I turn and see a boy a few inches taller than me frowning at the trolley.

"Sorry dear, I just sold the last of it"

He nods ok and walks off. I look at my two boxes of chocolate frogs and decide to do my good deed of the day and squeeze pass the trolley following him.

"Excuse me"

He turns around, his light brown close to grey eyes meeting my dark brown ones.

"Here you go" I smile handing him one of my chocolate frogs.

His eyes light up and he goes to offer me some galleons for it but being the nice person that I am I decline it.

"Thank you, I'm Remus, Remus Lupin"

"I'm Emily Smith"

"Would you like to come and sit with me and my friends?"

"I would like that" I smile

We walk down passing around 4 compartments and he opens the door to the 5th compartment.

"Who's the pretty lady" A boy with black shaggy hair smiles

"This is Emily Smith, Emily this is Sirius Black. watch out for him. I've only known him a few minutes and can tell he's a lady's man"

I let out a chuckle

"This is James Potter and that's Peter Pettigrew"

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now