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The summer of 1971 was finally the summer young Emily smith had been looking forward to. It was the summer where she turned 11 which meant only one thing, Hogwarts. Her acceptance letter would arrive informing her that she's able to attend Hogwarts school or Witchcraft and Wizardry along with the list of things she needs to purchase before hand.

The sunny morning was the highlight of her week, month, even life when she found the letter addressed to her sat on the table waiting to be opened.

Mr and Mrs Smith was both happy that they daughter will finally be attending the school they both went to and found each other in. They hope their daughter would meet her Mr Right there and have a great time graduating with good grades and become a successful woman for herself weather it was in the wizarding world or even the muggle world, whatever world their daughter decided to peruse her career in they would be proud of her.

Diagon Alley is finally around Emily in person rather than the imagination she had in her head whilst being told stories of the magical place all Students would visit before going to Hogwarts to get their books and other necessary items.

Quickly going from shop window to shop window admiring everything from the items in the window to the detail of the woodcarvings around the windows. Her brown eyes shining brightly and the smile never once leaving her face.

Her final night at the home she's been in ever since she was a baby was emotional for young Emily. 11 years old and already will be experiencing the sleeping away from home for the first time ever without her parents stage of her life. She's excited to finally be attending Hogwarts yet sad to be leaving her parents.

As soon as the clock struck 8:30am on September 1st Emily was up and straight in the bathroom turning the shower on. She's never normally has this much get up and go so early in the morning let alone even be awake at this time but when it's something she's excited about she's up faster than a Olympic runner completing their 100m track.

She wants to make a good impression, after all she will be sorted into a Hogwarts house, who will be her family for the next 7 years of her life. She will make friends for life and even possibly copy her Mother and meet her future husband. She hopes she follows her Mother's footsteps whilst at Hogwarts, Emily is a sucker for love stories and wants her own love story as much as any other hopeless romantic teenage girl does.

By 9:15am Emily is downstairs her trunk by the front door waiting to leave and herself dressed in her favourite floral dress, white tights and black shoes sat at the kitchen table munching on her piece of toast happily as she tells her parents about her excitement and hopes to be sorted into the Gryffindor house just like they was.

10:50 am showed up on Mr Smith's watch indicating it was time that him and his face to say goodbye to their daughter and let her board the scarlet red train they haven't seen in a very long time.

Exchanging hugs and kisses went by quickly and the next minute Emily's head is stuck out the window on the carriage door waving goodbye to her parents as they become further away in the distance until they've completed disappeared from sight.

Her parents waved bye until the train was out of sight, they hung around a few extra minutes reliving their past in their heads before they joined the fellow parents and the future Hogwarts students exit the platform and go back to their lives.

As they left hoping their daughter would be safe and make many nice friends Emily was about to meet the best people she can ever meet in life who will be there through Emily's story.

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