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Remus is starting to worry me, every so often. Well once a month he disappears and he's just weak in general for a few days. He palms it off as nothing but I know he's lying.

"Lily Remus is so called sick again. I don't believe it"


"Because it's every month, this isn't normal. Is it some sort of disease that's dangerous? Is he going to die? Is he ok? Where is he?" I ask question after question as I start to panic.

"Calm down, he's fine"

"How do you know that?"

"I just do"

"I don't believe you either, what do you know about my boyfriend that I don't"

"Something that you have to hear from him"

"How long have you known?"

"I don't know, 3 or 4 years"


"I worked it out myself, he's scared to tell you"

"Where is he?"

"I can't tell you"

"Lily where is Remus?" I ask again keeping my cool

"I can't tell you, I really can't. If I could I would."

"Lily you better tell me where Remus is before I break our friendship and oh so help me God I will leave Remus too"

"NO!" She yells

"Don't leave him, you'll break him. He's keeping this secret because he's scared you'll leave him"

"Then tell me where he is"

"The shrieking Shack"

"That's haunted!" I turn on my heel and run off ignoring Lily calling me

I run as fast as my legs will allow me to and I eventually reach the entrance. I wasn't put in Gryffindor to be weak and back away now, I have to be brave. I have to get Remus.

I hear the voices of James and Sirius coming from upstairs so I make my way up the dark stairs and follow their voices. I walk into the room seeing Peter sat in the corner eating, James and Sirius talking about their next prank and Remus is sat on the floor with his head in his hands.

"Cheer up Moony, she isn't going to leave you" James speaks walking over to him

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now