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"Please you're the best person to teach me" 

"And why would you want to become an animagus?" McGonagall asks with a raised eyebrow.

"You know why"

"I don't" 

"Yes you do, you even gave James, Peter and Sirius detention when you found out" 

"It's dangerous though Emily" 

"I know and I'm fine with it. What about after Hogwarts? The boys won't be there to help Remus every month"

"And you will?"

"Well, we are looking to live together after Hogwarts so yes. Please, Professor McGonagall, this means a lot to me and I can't mess it up"

"What will you change into?"

"a wolf"

"Of course" She mutters and she looks through her diary. "Ok fine but you can't  tell anyone"

"Thank you. I promise I won't" I smile 

"Come here after dinner tonight"

"Thank you so much professor this means a lot to me" 

She nods ok and I leave as I go to the Great Hall for lunch

"Where have you been?" Remus asks as I take my seat next to him

"In the library finishing my homework, which you 4 are meant to be doing"

"I've finished mine" Sirius states proudly

"You mean Remus have done it for you"

"Same thing"

"No, it really isn't the same thing" Lily responds

I put some chicken nuggets and chips on my plate followed with mush peas and mayo for the chips I finally get to eat my food with the lovely view of James gushing over Lily in front of me.

"I hope you two know you're both gross"

"Jealous Remus isn't the same?" James smirks

"Remus is a gentleman, he doesn't need to show off to the school he's with me by making out with me every opportunity he gets"

"Yeah James, be more like Remus we're trying to eat our food here" Sirius smirks whilst nudging James

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now