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Emily's POV;

"I really wanted to hex him, I was so angry. How dare he break it" I continue my rant to Remus as we take a seat 

"Have you quite finished now?" James asks 

"It's been a whole 20 minutes now, we get it you're upset and angry your record got broken. You got a new one now though so let's all be happy and move on" Sirius adds 

"I'm still mad that it had to be replaced though, this is a really big thing Sirius"

"It's a record"

"Ooohh you did not just go there" Lily smirks 

I pull my wand out my pocket and aim it at him "Silencio"

"Nice one Em" James laughs before doing the counterspell 

"Well that was mean" Sirius smirks 

Shortly afterwards we arrive at Hogwarts and all sitting at the table waiting for the feast to begin. 

"Hufflepuff" The sorting announces for the final time

Dumbledore makes some small announcements then finally the time I've been waiting for has arrived. Food. I didn't eat breakfast today so I'm starving. 

"Got enough food there?" James comments as he looks at my plate 

"I'm hungry"

"Yeah but there's being hungry then there's that" Sirius replies 

"Remus tell them off they're being mean" I pout 

"You know they won't listen to me. Just ignore them and eat your food" 

I sigh and make a start on eating. By the time I'm 3/4 way through I push the plate away as Sirius and James keeps giggling and making small comments about me. 

"Oh, you're finally finished eating? Desert can arrive now" Sirius speaks up 

"That's enough you guys, Sirius you're eating your 18th chicken wing there so you can't judge"

"OOOHHHH" Sirius and James reply in girly voices 

"Is Remus sticking up for his loved one?" Jamies smirks 

"She's my friend, nothing else" Remus replies sternly.

"Everyone just shut up, Emily if you're still hungry then eat more of your food, the boys won't say anything. They never judge Peter who always does at least 3 plates, no offence Peter. And Sirius I know you're eyeing up your 19th chicken wing so just eat the damn thing" Lily comments. 

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