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"Why can't you two behave in class for once?" I ask as I follow the boys out of Potions with Lily

"Because that isn't fun" James replies

"Oh and detention is? Imagine all the fun stuff you could be doing with your evenings but you can't as you're stuck in detention"

"You're annoying on times, you know that right?" Sirius asks

"Well seeing as your name is very similar to Serious you don't act serious"

"Ah but my name isn't Serious though is it? Sirius is my name, it doesn't sound very Serious therefore I shall not be Serious. I'd much rather be Sirius instead"

"You know none of that made any sense right?" Lily laughs

Sirius changes the topic as he doesn't have a smart or silly answer and we finally make it to the Great Hall.

"Are you two coming to the match tomorrow?" James asks

"Yeah I suppose I can fit it into my schedule" I smirk then I reach over and take a chocolate frog from the basket

"Hey, I was gonna have that" Remus pouts at me

"There's more left, what's so special about this one? They're all the same" I inspect the chocolate frog then take a bite out of it

"That was the last one"

"I didn't know that. First come first serve"

"Well you should've looked to see then offered if anyone wanted it before just taking it"

"Why are you making a big deal out of it? It's just a chocolate frog if you want another one so badly just get one from the other basket"

"I'm not making a deal out of it. You're just being typical Emily and only thinking about yourself"

"I don't only think about myself"

"You so do, you're such a selfish person. I'm surprised you weren't placed in Slytherin"

"Remus that's enough mate" James pipes up

"Do you want the rest of this one then?"

"No, you may as well finish it"

"Then stop being mean then, I'm sorry for not looking and offering around. I will make sure to do that next time"

"Yeah right" He mumbles under his breath

"You know what, I can't be dealing with your nastiness. Have the stupid chocolate" I stand up throwing the remaining half of the chocolate frog onto his plate then I storm out the room.

Why on earth did he kick off like that?

"Emily" Lily calls running after me 

"What was that all about?" I ask once she's caught up with me 

"I have no idea, maybe he's on his man period" 

"I don't think of myself, I always put myself last." I feel the tears in my eyes and Lily hugs me 

"I know you do, just ignore him he's being a weirdo" 

"He's never been nasty to me before, James and Sirius have and I never cried"

"Because you like him Em, it hurts cause someone you really like is being mean. Let's go to the common room and play some wizards chess, I got chocolate too" She smirks 

I let out a giggle nudging her slightly but I agree and we make our way there. 

Around an hour later we hear the boys entering but I stay focused on the game. 

"You need to move that knight before she gets it" James speaks up 

"I know that now you told Emily my next move" Lily replies annoyed 

I look up and see Remus just glaring at me then he goes up to the boys dormitories.

"Don't let him get to you Em, he'll come around tomorrow and I bet he will get you a load of chocolate frogs as a sorry" Sirius speaks as he places his hand on my shoulder 

"Maybe, he hurt me though"

"We tried talking to him but he didn't listen to us. If he doesn't say sorry tomorrow and be back to normal I will talk to him again"

"Thanks James" I smile at him then take my move as they say goodnight and leave as well. 

Lily won the game to which she was happy about as she hasn't won in a long time. We both decide it's time to go up to bed as we have a long day tomorrow. I curl up in bed staring at the photo I got by the bed of the boys with me and Lily. I hope Remus is back to normal tomorrow. 

My Werewolf {Young Remus Lupin}Where stories live. Discover now